Thursday, March 29, 2012


Government servants are aware that the Ministry of Finance and Railways, both have already issued orders for grant of one increment in the pre-revised pay scale to nullify the anomaly in respect of central government employees who were in receipt of pre-revised increment between February 2006 to June 2006.
A model requesting the concerned head of Office for grant of one increment and drawl of arrears is published below for ready use by the Officers:
Sir / Madam,
· Sub: Officers who were due to get heir annual increment between February to June during 2006 – Grant of additional increment as one time measure- Request for sanction and drawal of arrears – Reg.
Kind reference is invited to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure O.M.No.10/02/2011- E.III/A dated 19th March, 2012 wherein all the central government employees who were due to get their annual increment between February to June during 2006 were granted one increment on 1.1.2006 in the pre-revised pay scale as a one time measure and there after next increment in the revised pay structure on 1.7.2006 as per Rule 10 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 (Copy enclosed for ready reference).
I wish to submit that my increment in pre revised pay scale was on __________ and hence, in terms of the above Office Memorandum, I am eligible for one additional increment in pre-revised pay scale as a one time measure and also eligible for next increment in the revised pay structure on 1.7.2006 as per Rule 10 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008.
In view of above submission, I request that one additional increment may kindly be granted and my pay may please be fixed as stipulated in above O.M. and that the arrears of pay and allowance may kindly be drawn and paid to me at an early date.
Thanking you ,
Yours Faithfully,

Wednesday, March 28, 2012



M) Office: 9868451466                                                                                                  (M) 09912348500
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association.
Central Headquarters
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, Type-IV, DAO Flats, New Delhi – 110018
AIPAEA/CHQ/ 12                                                                                                 Date: 26-03-2012

As provided under Article 13 of Part II of the Constitution of AIPAEA (CHQ) New Delhi, it is hereby notified that the Central Working Committee Meeting of All India Postal Accounts Employees Association shall be held at  Civil Lines, Delhi from 17th to 19th April 2012 to transact the following items of agenda :

  1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the last meeting held at Cuttack.
  2. Presentation of General Secretary Report.
  3. Review of the implementation of the organizational programmes: a)AIPAEA three phase protest programme b) Signature campaign on PFRDA bill c) March to Parliament on 25-11-2011         d) Postal JCA indefinite strike call from 17-01-12 e) General strike on   28-02-12.
  1. Implementation of Cadre Restructuring Committee Report on Postal Accounts
  2. Organizational Review:
a)    Functioning of Central Head Quarter (CHQ)
b)    Functioning of Units (Circle Association)
c)    Membership verification and steps to strengthen the Organizational functioning
  1. Recruitment of MTS, LDC and Junior Accountants in PAOs – present position.
  2. Strike Charter and its implementation: a) Gr.D and Sorter anomalies, b) functioning of newly formed PAOs c) Gr.B status to S.As. d) Recruitment e) Contributory negligence                          f) Decentralisation.
  3. Recruitment Rules of AAO & amendment to LDC and JA Recruitment Rules.
  4. All India Seniority list and related issues.
  5. Four Advance Increments – present status.
  6. Recovery from DEOs Chennai and related issues.
  7. Departmental Council (JCM) meeting and PAO issues : a) pay protection under FR 15-A on request transfers (Rule 38) b) Release of DCRG and pensionary benefits in Rule 9 cases under minor penalty proceedings. c) Construction of departmental buildings to PAOs.
  8. Imparting meaningful training to the PAO staff and strengthening of PAO functioning.
  9. Introduction of COMPACT and ongoing computerization in PAOs.
  10. Developments in the cases filed in the Hon’ble CAT, Delhi.
  11. Victimization of PAO officials in C/w CC frauds (Kolkata and Hyderabad) in the name of Contributory negligence.
  12. Resolutions if any.
  13. Any other item with the permission of the Chair.
  14. Vote of thanks.
                                                                                                               Yours faithfully,
                                                                                                                        (T.SATYANARAYANA)                                                                                                                                   General Secretary
Copy to:
  1. The Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 001.
  2. The Member (Finance), DOT, Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 001.
  3. The J.S. & F.A. Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 001.
  4.  Dy. Director General (PAF), Deptt. of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi – 110001.
  5. The Director(SR & Legal), Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi–110001
  6. The Secretary General, NFPE, New Delhi – 110 001
  7. Com. S. Santosh Kumar, President, AIPAEA, O/o G.M(Finance) Chennai-600001.
8.     Com. A.P. Sastry, Former President, AIPAEA.
9.     Com. R.S.Baghel, Former Working President ,AIPAEA .
10.  Com. P.Rajanayagam, Former General Secretary, AIPAEA
  1. All circle secretaries and Office Bearers of CHQ, AIPAEA.
  2. The G.M.s / Directors of Accounts (Postal) with a request to grant special casual leave to the participants.                                                                                                  

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Directorate of Postal Insurance
Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications
Information Technology, Government of India
Chanakyapuri Post Office Complex, New Delhi-110 021
No. 30-1/2010-LI Dated 27.01.2012
1.          Col. Kamlesh Chandra,
Chief Postmaster General,
Uttar Pradesh Circle,
2.         All CPMsG.

Respected Sir,
Kindly refer to letter no. 08/15/2011-SR dated 16.01.2012 from SR Section Department of Posts enclosing minutes of the meeting taken by Secretary(Posts)/Postal Staff Board with the Postal Joint Council of Action on 10.01.2012 and 12.01.2012.
It is requested to kindly take necessary action with regards to Para 7 of the minutes.
(R. Santhakumar)
Dy. Divisional Manager
The staff side was explained in detail about the competition being faced by the Department in the field of PLI/RPLI and the benefits to be derived by decentralizing the functions. The staff side expressed apprehension about relocation of staff due to the process of decentralization. Member (PLI) explained as to how the role of DPLI was going to be redefined by making the job more productive and the fact that job description for each category of staff had been worked out and the staff of PLI will play an important role in increasing the business and providing after sale service. The request of the staff side to permit the Circle/Regional Office branch of PLI to accept, process and service the policies relating to their Headquarter cities where they were located was accepted to.
The issue relating to payment of incentive, instead of honorarium, will be examined by CGM PLI as it forms a part of Charter of Demands. It was assured that all the officials deputed for PLI/RPLI work to RO/CO from Divisions will be repatriated immediately.

Central Government revises General Provident Fund (GPF) Interest rates…

Interest Rates On GPF – 8.6% (eight point six percent) with effect from 1.12.2011
Resolution – accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the GPF and other similar funds – 2011-2012

F.NO. 5(1)-B(PD)/2011
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Economic Affairs)
New Delhi, the 19th March, 2012
It is announced for general information that during the year 2011-2012, accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the General Provident Fund and other similar funds shall carry interest at the rate of 8% (Eight per cent) for the period from 1.4.2011 to 30.11.2011  and 8.6% (eight point six percent) with effect from 1.12.2011.
The funds concerned are:—

1. The General Provident Fund (Central Services).
2. The Contributory Provident Fund (India).
3. The All India Services Provident Fund.
4. The State Railway Provident Fund.
5. The General Provident Fund (Defence Services).
6. The Indian Ordnance Department Provident Fund.
7. The Indian Ordnance Factories Workmen’s Provident Fund.
8. The Indian Naval Dockyard Workmen’s Provident Fund.
9. The Defence Services Officers Provident Fund.
10. The Armed Forces Personnel Provident Fund.

2. Ordered that the Resolution be published in Gazette of India.
(Brajendra Navnit)
Deputy Secretary (Budget)


Clarification on booking of tickets from an agency other than the authorized travel agents by non-entitled officers/staff.

Clarification on booking of tickets from an agency other than the authorized travel agents by non-entitled officers/staff.
Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010
No. AN/XIV/14162/TA/DA/LTC
Dated 19.3.2012
(Thru CDA mail server)

Sub: Clarification on booking of tickets from an agency other than the authorized travel agents by non-entitled officers/staff.
References are being received in this HQrs office seeking clarification on regulating of LTC claims in respect of officials who are not entitled to travel by air but carry out the journey by air (Air India/Pvt airlines) on LTC etc. due to unavoidable or other circumstances. Clarifications are also being sought as to whether a non-entitled officer should compulsorily book their air tickets from the authorized agents viz. M/S Barmer & Lawrie & M/S Ashoka Travels etc. as brought out in this HQrs office important circular of even number dated 16/09/2010 and 24/8/2011.

2. In this connection attention is invited to this HQrs office letter No.AN/XIV/14162/VI CPC/Circular/Vol.III dated 12/3/2010, forwarding a copy of Govt of India, DoP&T OM No.31011/2/2006-Estt.(A) dated 11th March 2010 on the above subject. It has been clarified by D0P&T that "restriction of travel by Air India only need not apply to non- entitled officials concerned who travel by air and claim LTC reimbursement by entitled class of rail."

3. Accordingly, it is clarified that the restriction as laid down by the Govt to travel only by Air India and booking of tickets compulsorily through web site of Air India/M/S Barrner & Lawrie/M/S Ashoka Travels is applicable only for officers who are entitled to travel by air and whose cost of air passage is borne by the Govt. It is however, further clarified that in the event of non-entitled officials travelling on LTC by air (Air India/Pvt. Airlines for J&K) while availing special concessions for J&K/NER, the booking of tickets/travel has to be done as per the extant orders on the subject.
This issues with the approval of Jt.CGDA(AN)
(R.K Bhatt)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Promotion of Group C Staff (Multi Tasking Staff) as LDC on seniority basis - 5% quota -Reg

A. 60015/1/CS/2012-13/MF.CGA(A)/NG/ 623
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
controller General of Accounts
Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,
New Delhi.
Dated: 22nd February, 2012
Office Memorandum
Sub:- Promotion of Group C Staff (Multi Tasking Staff) as LDC on seniority basis — 5% quota —Reg.

   Attention is invited to Rule 5 (2) of Central Civil Accounts Service (Lower Division Clerk Group ‘C’ Post) Recruitment Rules, 2010, as per the aforesaid provisions 5 % of the vacancies shall be filled on seniority-cum-fitness basis from Group C staff (Multi Tasking Staff) who have three years regular service in post with the Grade Pay of Rs. 1800.
   2. In order to prepare the panel for the year 2012-2013 CCA/CAs are to hold DPC in respect of those Group C Staff (Multi Tasking Staff) with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800 who have three years regular service as on 1.1.2012 (including those who have been found ‘unfit’ in the Range as on 1.1.2011. those who could not be promoted for want of vacancy in their choice station and those who refused to accept promotion offered to them and undergoing debarment). The persons who have been offered promotion in the year 2011-12 but have not accepted the same are to be debarred in terms DoPT OM No. 22011/8/87-Esstt (D) dated 09-04-96 and then considered afresh for 2011-2012. The information relating to those found fit by DPC may be furnished in Proforma-I enclosed. The information should be arranged in the order of seniority as appearing in the Gradation List.
   3. As per Central Civil Accounts Service (Lower Division Clerk Group ‘C’ Post) Recruitment Rules 2010 — 5 % of vacancies are to be filed up through promotion on the basis of seniority. The vacancy position under 5 % quota may be furnished in Proforma-II. Break up of vacancies that have accrued upto 31.03.2012, and likely to accrue during April, 2012 — March, 2013 may be given in the respective columns.
   4. Vacancies in the grade of LDC (station wise) may be furnished in Proforma-III (excluding those kept in operational abeyance).
   5. The information complete in all respects in Proforma-I, II and III must reach this office by 15th March, 2012.
End: As above
(Ved Prakash)
Accounts Officer

Recognition of Federations