Sunday, March 27, 2011



Congratulations! The call given by the CHQ to send resolutions on 23-03-11 has been observed by all the units in a very big way. Such a show of strength in unison is the need of the hour. Keep it up. 
General Secretary has submitted the Charter to the DDG(PAF) on 23-03-2011 and it has been assured that a meeting will be held to discuss the issues. I hope the said meeting will be held without delay.
I call upon all the members to actively involve in the Post Card campaign from 28-03-2011 and ventilate their strong urge for the settlement of the demands.
Protest is the symptom of simmering  anger over the inaction or injustice or the inordinate delays. Let's hope the Authorities will take note of our protest and settle the demands to our satisfaction.

Postal JCA meeting is going to take place on 30-03-2011 to discuss the programme of action to counter the policy  offensives by the Department of Posts. Detailed programme will be communicated after the meeting.

The case of 4-advance increments is under reference to the Ministry of Finance. I hope it will be settled in our favour.

Apex JAC is going to meet at Hyderabad on 11-04-2011 to discuss all the issues related to the Audit and Accounts employees.

"JA and SA case" where we have filed fresh OA in the Hon'ble Pr.CAT, New Delhi, notices have been served to the Department. We are finalizing the fresh Miscellaneous Petition in the Stepping up case.

There is no need for the approval of CPMGs concerned for taking up the Recruitment in the PAOs. In this regard a letter has been sent to the Bangalore PAO from the PA wing.All units should note this and should exert pressure on the Circle Authorities (if necessary by holding demonstrations and passing resolutions) and get all the hurdles cleared for the recruitment.   

The present thinking on the rounds in respect of the Postal Accounts re-organization is 'Regionalization' earlier it was 'Divisionalization'. I don't know when this will also change. But let's not diminish our determination to oppose decentralization of PAO in any form.

General Secretary is visiting Jallandhar and Kapurthala on 29-03-2011.

Galvanize your strength and make the Post Card campaign and other coming calls a grand success.

With struggle greetings.


Thursday, March 24, 2011


Dear Comrade,
The UPA II Government has today introduced the PFRDA Bill once again in the Parliament. The bill that was introduced earlier by the then Finance Minister, Shri P. Chidambaram, could not muster sufficient support to get enacted as the Left parties Parties opposed it. Even though the enactment could not be made, the Government through executive fiat had converted the statutory defined benefit Pension scheme which is in existence for decades in the case of Government employees into a contributory pension scheme.

The All India State Government Employees Federation and the Confederation of Central Government employees had jointly taken the decision earlier to oppose the introduction of the Bill by organizing a two hour walk out programme. Accordingly we call upon all our Affiliates and State Units to immediately organize demonstration in front of all offices between 12 and 2 PM and mobilize the members for sustained serious programmes of action in the days to come. Intensive campaign programmes must be undertaken to bring home the pernicious impact the bill will bring about on the existing pensionary benefits of the Government employees. Besides, The funds accumulated from the contributions made by the employees as stipulated in the New Contributory pension scheme would be diverted to stock market for investment. Since the Government is to contribute equal amount as is being made by the employees, the new contributory pension scheme would be an unbearable drag on the exchequer and the sole beneficiary would be the big corporate houses. We must therefore embark upon a sustained struggle against the new scheme including a day's strike action as and when the bill is taken up for enactment by the Parliament.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N.Kutty; Secretary General

Monday, March 21, 2011


F. N0.12/2/2011-JCA-2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 21st March, 2011.


Subject: Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2011- Birthday of Dr.
               B.R. Ambedkar.

          It has been decided to declare Thursday, the 14th April 2011, as a Closed Holiday on account of the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, for all Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments throughout India.

2.       The above holiday is also being notified in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of 1881).

3.       All Ministries/Departments of Government of India may bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned.
                                                             (Dinesh Kapila)
                              Director to the Government of India



Directorate vide memo No. A-34012/02/2010-DE dated 16.03.2011 has notified Calendar of Departmental Examination for 2011 in supersession of its earlier letter dated 29.12.2010.
I. Centralized Examinations :
01. LGOs exam for promotion to PAs / SAs 01.05.2011
02. PSS Gr. B examination 2010 15.05.2011
03. PAs / SAs Direct Recruit 2011 10.07.2011
04. Inspector of Posts 06 & 07.08.2011
05. Jr. Engineer (C&E) 10.09.2011
06. Asst Engineer (C&E) 11.09.2011
07. Postmaster Grade I 15 & 16.10.2011
08. Senior Postmaster 16.10.2011
II. De-centralized Examinations :
09. LDCs to Jr. Acct in PAOs 05 & 06.11.2011
10. Confirmation exam for DR Jr. Account in PAOs 12 & 13.11.2011
11. Postman/Mailguard Exam for Direct Recruit and Departmental Promotion 27.11.2011
12. Direct Recruit Exam for appointment as Multi Tasking Staff 11.12.2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011



Dear Comrade,

            The subcommittee constituted by the National Anomaly Committee to go into the anomalies in respect of MACP issues met at New Delhi on 15th Inst.  Com. S.K.Vyas, President, Confederation attended the meeting as a member. The following is the outcome of discussion at the meeting.

            With greetings,

Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General

Given below is the Record note on the meeting of Joint Committee on MACP held on 15.03.2011.

            The third meeting of joint committee on MACP was held today i.e 15.03.2011. This meeting was held at the specific request by the Secretary Staff Side, National Council JCM to review the decision taken in the earlier meetings in which all items had been discussed.

Item Nos. 1,3,8,9 and 29: Grant of financial up-gradation in the promotional hierarchy instead of grade pay hierarchy under MACP Scheme

            The Staff Side pressed this demand on the ground that the ACP 1999 had become a service condition in respect of all those who were in service as on 31st August 2008. The MACP Scheme being less advantageous could not be imposed upon them. They stated that to resolve this anomaly, the first 2 ACPs may be continued in the promotional hierarchy to be granted after 12 and 24 years of service from the date of induction, the third ACP on completion of 30 years service may be in the grade pay hierarchy. The official Side did not agree with this proposal. The Staff Side then pointed out that the introduction of MACP Scheme in grade pay hierarchy 10, 20, 30 years of service from the date of induction will result that certain cadres would be placed in the grade pay which are not sanctioned in the structure of the departments and therefore it can not be treated as career progression at all.   The official Side wanted the particulars of those cadres which are going to face this problem, so that they could consider how to overcome such anomalies. The Staff Side agreed to provide the necessary information and departments concerned may also be asked to provide such information.

Item Nos. 2, 10 and 48:

            The Staff Side also pressed for introducing MACP Scheme with effect from 1.1.2006 so that those who did not get any benefit under old ACP could at least get the MACP scheme benefit before their retirement during the period from 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008. The Official Side stated that this item has been closed and concluded and can not be allowed to be opened / reviewed. The Staff Side then stated that they would like to raise this issue in the meeting of National Anomaly Committee as the joint Committee on MACP Scheme is sub committee of the National Anomaly Committee. The Official Side stated that this may be raised as afresh item in the National Anomaly Committee.

            The Staff Side also wanted that the option to choose ACP or MACP should be given to the individual employees and not the Department. The Official Side also did not agree to reopen this issue which has been concluded in the last meeting.

Item No. 57: Ignoring the placement of Artisans of Ministry of Defence from HS grade II to HS grade I for the purpose of MACP Scheme.

            The Staff Side pointed out that this restructuring by keeping 50% of Artisans in the HS grade I and placing 50% in the HS grade II was by way of placement and therefore it could not be treated as promotion. The Staff Side cited Supreme Court ruling to this effect. However the Official Side did not agree with this. The case of restructuring in IA & AD in 1984 and in organized accounts were also cited in which it was clearly stated that those who are in the higher grade would be treated as placement only those who are promoted later on against vacancies would be treated as promotion. The official Side view was that only in those cases where the entire cadre is placed in the higher pay scale it would not be treated as promotion. This matter will also have to be raised in the meeting of National Anomaly Committee.

Items Nos. 11, 15, 22, 39, 47 and 51: Promotion in identical Grade Pay.

            The decision that the normal promotions are in the same grade pay, they cannot be ignored for purpose of MACP Scheme and the specific cases would be examined separately.

Item Nos. 12, 30 and 49: Employees appointed limited competitive examination from lower to higher post may treated as direct recruits in the higher post ignoring the service in the lower posts.

            The matter is still being considered with reference to old ACP scheme clarification.

Item Nos. 13, 32, 38, 44, 50 and 58: Counting of old service in the new establishments for the purpose off MACP. And Item Nos. 21, 27, and 28: Benchmark for financial up gradation under MACP.

            Orders have been issued on 1.11.2010.

            It was agreed that action taken statement would be finalized and circulated so that further discussion thereon can take place in the meeting of National Anomaly Committee.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011



(M) G.S. 09912348500                                                                  (M): Office: 9868451466
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association
Central Headquarter,13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, Type-IV, DAO Flat, New Delhi – 110018 e-mail:
(Camp at: B-17, F-3,Vignanapuri,Vidyanagar,Hyderabad-500044)

AIPAEA/CHQ/Circular47                                                                                                                 Date: 12-03-2011

Dear Comrades,
On the persistent efforts of AIPAEA the recruitment has started in PAOs, though in trickle! Efforts are on to get all the vacancies in all cadres in all the PAOs to be filled up.  In PAOs like Kolkata, Jaipur, Nagpur etc., new recruits have joined. On behalf of the CHQ I heartily welcome all those new comrades to the family of Postal Accounts and All INDIA POSTAL ACCOUNTS EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION!!
The cry for ending the discrimination continues…all over the world. One hundred years back the valiant fight started by the women textile mill workers of New York, USA has grown into a big struggle around the world along with the workers movements and achieved voting right for women in many countries and the fight for dignity and equality is still continuing. AIPAEA salutes all those valiant women comrades for their sacrifices. I convey my congratulations and best wishes to all women members of our organization. Branches may Email the Report and pictures of Women’s Day celebrations to the CHQ, so that the same can be placed in the AIPAEA blog.
The Central Working Committee of AIPAEA which met at Thekkady , Kerala from 13 to 15th Feb.2011 reviewed the Priority Charter of Demands submitted to the Department. The revised Priority Charter is given here under. As the Department has not so far initiated any discussion to settle the demands, it has been decided to launch the second phase of programme and  implement the same  with all seriousness by all units.
Programme of Action
1.       Hold lunch hour demonstration on 23-03-2011 and fax the Resolution to the 1) Secretary, Department of Posts, New Delhi – 110 001 2) JS & FA, Department of Posts, New Delhi-110 001 3) DDG (PAF), New Delhi – 110 001 and copy by post to the  Secretary General , NFPE, North Avenue Post Office, New Delhi-110 001 and General Secretary, AIPAEA, New Delhi.

2.       Start Post Card Campaign from 28-03-2011 to 01-04-2011. Address the Post Card to the DDG (PAF), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001 and inform the General Secretary about the number of cards sent by each unit. Post the cards every day during the campaign week.
The Text of the Resolution and Post Card Campaign is given here under.
The Meeting of the All India Postal Accounts Employees Association, ------------------Circle held on 23-03-2011 expressed its anguish for not taking note of the Priority Charter of Demands submitted, and not initiating any action for settling those demands even after the lapse of four months.  Hence, it is unanimously resolved to request the authorities to hold discussion with AIPAEA and settle the demands without further loss of time. It is also unanimously resolved to submit the revised charter of demands as decided in the Central Working Committee Meeting of this Association. 


1.       Expedite Recruitment in all cadres in all PAOs.
2.       Expedite the cadre restructuring in the PAOs.
3.       Enhance the SCF quota for Senior Accountants for the promotion to the AAO Cadre and drop the proposal for Direct Recruitment in AAO cadre.
4.             4.   Expedite the notification of All India seniority list of Senior Accountants causing the filling up of          
           regular and ad-hoc vacancies in the cadre of AAO in PAO & CCA offices.  B) Conduct Part II 
          & Prt I JAO/AAO exams.
5.                5.   Drop the proposal of decentralization of PAOs in any form.
6.                6.  Restore the post of Member (Finance) in the Postal Services Board and strengthen the Postal 
         Accounts    Wing by bringing all streams of accounts cadres under Member(Finance).
7.              7.  A)  Construct Departmental buildings to PAOs like Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Jammu, Trivandrum,
       Patna etc. B) Retain the British India Road building at Kolkata or accommodate entire PAO at Yogayog
       Bhawan at Kolkata.
8.             8.  Ensure full pledged functioning of newly formed PAOs in all the Postal Circles by providing required 
       staff strength and proper accommodation. B) Repatriate all the officials of Kapurthala PAO who are
       posted in Jammu against their willingness.
9.          9. Stop victimization of PAO staff in the name of contributory negligence and withdraw the charge sheets 
     given to the PAO Staff at Hyderabad and Kolkata for C.C frauds that took place at Post offices. B)
     Withdraw the charge sheets given to the PAO staff/AIPAEA Office Bearers at Lucknow, Cuttack &Patna
     on flimsy grounds due to the vindictive attitude of authorities.
10        10.  Provide induction and periodical refresher training to Junior/Senior Accountants and AAOs.
11    11Ensure specified role to PAO as stipulated by the Ministry of Finance in all Business Development 
     /Financial activities of the Postal Department.
12   12.  Restore the residency period of 3years in r/o Junior Accountant to Senior Accountant promotion 
     retrospectively with effect from 13-12-2006.
13   13. Rectify the anomaly caused due to promotion of junior Gr.D officials to LDC cadre after 2006 in PAOs 
     where as a senior Gr. D official promoted earlier remaining in Sorter cadre/becoming junior in LDC cadre.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sd/-,                                                                                                                                                      PRESIDENT
Hold discussions with AIPAEA on the Priority Charter and settle the demands.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
(Name & Designation)


 As the Department failed to implement the judgment given by the Hon’ble Principal CAT, New Delhi, a contempt petition was filed by us and the Department too filed a Miscellaneous Application requesting to set aside the judgment. The case has come up for hearing on 08-03-2011 and the Department was ordered to consider the case of the petitioners and decide the same by passing a speaking order within a week’s time. As usual the Department passed a speaking order rejecting our case. I am going to consult our Advocate soon and in all probability we may file another O.A. challenging the speaking order passed by the Department.  Please visit our blog for the copy of the speaking order.
In the second case i.e. JA and SA should be treated as one promotion, the Department has rejected our representation. We have filed fresh O.A. challenging the rejection. That may come up for hearing any time. In this connection all the Circle Secretaries are requested to remit the money as decided earlier to fight the case.  
The Department has issued orders to close/merge/relocate about 9797 Post Offices in the urban areas. NFPE Federal Secretariat met and discussed this issue and also other policy offensives by the Department. It is decided to go for a programme of action by formulating a Charter. AIPAEA has requested the Federation to include the demand ‘stop any move to decentralize the Postal Accounts’ in the charter. Full details will be circulated after the finalization by the Federation. We have already submitted our views on the proposed Reorganization of Postal Accounts. The copy of the letter has already been placed in the blog. We have to be ready for any organizational action opposing the decentralization of PAO in any form.

CHQ congratulates the newly elected Office Bearers and members of the Executive Committee of AIPAEA, Patna Circle. Com. Mahato, has been elected President, Com. Gopal Krishna sharma is the new Circle Secretary, Com. Santosh Kumar Chowdari  is the newly elected Finance Secretary.  Great responsibility lies on the shoulders of the new body to bring back the past glory of the Patna branch. On the occasion of the branch conference I convey my best wishes to all the comrades of Patna Circle.

C & AG has issued orders on 10-02-2011 granting four advance increments to the JAs who have passed the Departmental Confirmatory Test between the periods from 01-01-1973 to 31-05-1981. CHQ has addressed a letter to the DDG (PAF) to extend the similar benefit to the Staff of Postal Accounts. Let’s hope PA wing will issue orders soon.

It is noticed that many times Circle PAOs are not responding to send the required information to the PA wing on the Staff matters.  This is creating problems and delaying the things. For example, even now the information called for by the PA wing on the All India Seniority list has not yet been sent by all the PAOs. This is delaying the notification of the list. Similarly many PAOs have not send the panel of Sr. Accountants to the PA wing even though; the vacancies exist in 10% SCF quota for effecting regular promotions.  In this connection, I plead with all our Circle Secretaries to promptly act and pressurize the local Administration to do the needful without causing delay.  Adopt proactive approach and interact with the Administration on regular basis through correspondence as well as informal meetings. Bi-monthly and 4-monthly meetings are not regularly being held at many Circles. Insist the authorities concerned to hold these meetings regularly.
General Secretary will be at New Delhi from 22-03-2011 to 01-04-2011. It is also planned to visit Jallandhar and Kapurthala units during this period.

Month of April is the month of enrollment. In some branches for various reasons some of our friends have chosen to be outside of AIPAEA. Now this is the time to welcome them back home. Talk to them. Convince them. Iron out the differences.  Take them into the fold of AIPAEA.

 For change of membership from one Association to another, the member should withdraw the existing membership by writing to the Drawing and Disbursing Officer and submit a new form to become member in another Association. The form used at the time of verification can be used now also for enrolling the membership. The subscription of such member will be recovered from the month of July. Membership form should be submitted in the month of April.

The newly recruited employees can be enrolled immediately without waiting for April. From the date of submission of the membership form, the newly recruited employee will become member of the Association and the subscription will be recovered from the same month.
I request all our Circle Secretaries to make all out efforts to enroll the new members’ i.e. new recruits and also to bring back the existing employees into our Association.

Comrades, the proposal for re-organization of Postal Accounts, the inaction of the Department on the Cadre re-structuring,  the draft Recruitment Rules of AAOs, slow pace of recruitment and silence on the charter of demands …..etc. are the issues bothering the employees of Postal Accounts. Let’s unite, organize, agitate and make our voice heard in the echelons of Dak Bhawan.

With Struggle Greetings!!

General Secretary

Monday, March 7, 2011

Challenges before India Post

India Post's recent initiatives, which include slotting itself in cyberspace through the ePost Office, are pointers to the manner in which the world's largest postal network can be better leveraged to strengthen the financial and communication infrastructure. The Internet and other affordable alternatives have hit the basic function of post offices: delivering letters and other mails. In India, as an answer to a question raised in the Lok Sabha reveals, the volume of mail traffic fell from 6,677.18 million pieces in 2006-07 to 6,391.15 million in 2007-08, and rose marginally to 6,540.90 million in 2008-09. That the figure for 1997-98 was 15,749.30 million points to the severity of the fall. Internationally too, there are clear signs of the Internet eating into postal systems. Developed economies, in particular, saw postal businesses slump further with the onset of the recession. Statistics provided by the Universal Postal Union (UPU) show that between 2008 and 2009 domestic mail volumes were down 12 per cent globally (translating to about 13 billion pieces). Although there are signs of recovery now, particularly in the parcel and express segments, fundamental challenges posed by the emergence of alternatives to the post remain.

India's expansion of telephone services — the number of telephone subscribers increased from 76.54 million in 2004 to 764.77 million in November 2010 — and the growth of broadband are important developments that could further eat into the letter-post. Against this backdrop, the ePost Office, through which customers can carry out some basic services such as Money Order transactions, marks the beginning of what could be a new chapter for India Post. Its agreement with the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to work more closely in socio-economic areas with the provider of unique identity ID cards will be watched with interest round the world. An excellent way of strengthening India Post's finances would be to build on its biggest strength — as the world's largest postal network whose reach extends to all households in the country — and take a range of services closer to Indian residents: financial services and insurance products, for a start. Optimism over economic growth offers India Post an opportunity to correct its deficit-ridden balance sheets and also play a larger role in development by strengthening business-to-business and business-to-consumer segments. Making this change — while maintaining its key public service role as a provider of affordable services for a country of a billion-plus people — is the strategic challenge facing India Post.

Friday, March 4, 2011

India Post 2012-A Visionery document Published by the Postal Directorate

Dear Comrades,

India Post 2012, A document Published by the Project Management 
Unit of the Postal Directorate is reproduced here for the information
 of the members and also the CHQ leaders. Please look in to the matter.
I invite the comments of the members on the subject.
India Post - 2012
India Post 2012 aims at transforming Department of Posts into a “Technology Enabled,
Self Reliant  Market Leader”. This translates into 5 initiatives covering increased
market share and revenues, new products and services, improved service delivery,
motivated workforce and rural development
Project Over View
In August 2010 Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the ‘INDIA POST 2012’
 IT Modernization project with a total outlay of 1877.2 crores.As part of 11th five year
plan, this IT modernization project has been undertaken in two phases. In Phase-I,
 post offices up to double handed levels were supplied with IT hardware and in
Phase-II, the program has been  built on 3 cornerstones as follows
Infrastructure – The project aims to establish Data Centre / disaster recovery
centres to house all transactions and data, nationwide networking of all post
offices including rural post offices, supply of computer hardware to non -
computerized post offices, mail offices and  rural post offices with a vision
to create a fully managed, secure and centrally governed IT

Project Implementation Structure
The IT Modernization project has been designed to be implemented in 8
contracts Rural ICT – Hardware: This vendor will supply and install Rural
 ICT Hardware devices and provide for network connectivity to approximately
1.30 lakh GDS Post Offices which will enable post offices to perform all
transactions electronically.
 Rural ICT – System Integrator: This vendor will develop the platform
for all applications that will reside in the Rural Hand held devices.
 Data Centre Facility: This vendor will provide centralized Data Centre
Facility for hosting all applications and Disaster Recovery Center.
 Core System Integrator: This vendor will be the core integrator for all
the applications that will run in the post and mail offices. The vendor will
deploy mail applications such as track & trace and point of sale and
develop applications for all accounting modules and personnel management.
The CSI will also create and manage India post website, a customer service
call center and introduce eCommerce solution for Department of Posts.
 Financial Services System Integrator: This specialized vendor will
cater to deployment of Postal Banking & Insurance solutions; enabling
the department to perform anytime anywhere  banking. The vendor will
also install 1000 ATMs and create mobile and web based access for all
the users.
 Network Integrator: This vendor will ensure networking of DoP’s
departmental offices across  India and design DoP networks including
network security.
 Mail Operations Hardware: This vendor will be responsible for procurement
of hardware for Postal and Mail Processing offices such as desktop computers,
 printers, scanning devices/hardware and around 15,000 departmental postmen
device hardware.
 Change Management Vendor: This vendor will be responsible to manage change
and prepare the staff for this massive IT modernization project of Department of Posts
by conducting surveys and understanding concerns of postal employees.

Project Over View
Software Solutions – Creation of integrated, modular software solution covering
 Postal operations, Banking, Insurance, logistics, help desk and call centre.
The IT project also envisages accrual based accounting and centralized payroll
processing. The project will also bring in ecommerce solution enabling
 India Post to make all web and mobile based transactions.
Change/Project Management – The IT Project mandated changes in operational
 procedures and  processes. The Department has done a detailed business process
reengineering exercise and prepared the ‘To-Be’ document for future applications.
Therefore, during the implementation of  the project, there would be an immense
requirement of employee participation and change management activities to
ensure readiness of employees to adopt the solution. The IT Project will carry out
 this important activity by conducting workshops, training, re-skilling for
enabling change and addressing concerns and issues of employees. It will also cater
 to communication  and awareness at regular intervals to drive change.
Solution Development Approach: The vendor once onboard will design/develop
the solution across all India Post locations as per the implementation plan and
will follow the approach outlined Design Integration & 
Benefits of the Project
Benefits for Customers
 Better financial inclusion for the common man in the rural and semi-urban locations
at par with the urban locations, through mobile remittances, mobile banking, mobile
insurance etc.
 Effective and transparent delivery of social security and employment guarantee schemes
 Increased consistency and reliability in mail, parcels and logistics delivery system in line
 with global standards
 Multiple channels of access to customers through post office counters, kiosks, internet,
mobiles, ATMs etc.
 Better visibility of various articles in the mail stream and transparency in financial services
such as banking, insurance etc. Improved customer satisfaction due to faster and more reliable
services in postal,  logistics, banking, insurance and retail operations
Benefits for DoP
 Significant enhancement in revenue & market shares as multitude of products will be improved
and new products/ services will be launched (e.g. eGovernance, Rural ICT)
 Better decision making and operational planning due to availability of management information
in a timely manner
 Potential reduction in the transaction cost and availability of manpower for redeployment in
marketing and other revenue generating capabilities
 Increased productivity and accountability

Benefits for Employees
 Employees will have an opportunity to learn,build and enhance new skills and expertise
 Reduction in manual work which will result in enhanced productivity levels
 Opportunity to deliver enhanced IT enabled services to their customers leading to a significant 

reduction in customer complaints
 Improvement in employee engagement and empowerment
 Provide an opportunity to work in an innovation based culture
 Opportunity to be part of a growing and vibrant organization

Rural ICT and the GDS Employees
The Rural ICT solution aims to significantly improve the day to day operations performed at the Branch
Post offices in the following ways:
1. All the Postal, Savings Bank, and RPLI functions would be performed through the devices; thus
manual record keeping would be reduced
2. The BO Daily Accounts and BO Summary would be automatically generated and electronically
sent to the accounts office/ central server
3. Specimen Signature book would be replaced by an advanced biometric method of authentication
4. All new RPLI application forms will be processed through the devices thus resulting in faster
issue of policies
5. Improved disbursement of money orders at the branch post offices as a result of enhanced
 cash management systems
6. Utility bills like telephone, electricity, water etc. can be accepted online through the device in the
future and electronic receipts can be given to the consumers
7. MGNREGS payments shall be done using the Rural ICT devices allowing the GDS Post office
 to validate the identity of an individual through biometric data, thus reducing verification time
and avoiding unauthorized users