Saturday, June 16, 2012


F.No. 31011/2/2003-Estt.A-IV
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, dated 15th June, 2012


Subject:- CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 — Relaxation for travel by air to visit J & K .

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. of even No. dated 18th June, 2010 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the relaxation for LTC travel to visit J & K under CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 is extended for a further period of two years w.e.f. 18th June, 2012 subject to the following conditions:

(a) Travel by Air to continue to be in Economy Class only, irrespective of the entitlement of the officer.
(b) The condition that air tickets can be purchased either directly from the Airlines (booking counters/website) or through authorized agents only viz., M/s Balmer Lawrie and Co. Ltd., or M/s Ashok Travels and Tours Ltd./IRCTC (to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per DoPT's O.M.No. 31011/6/2002-Estt.(A) dated 02.12.2009), would necessarily apply.
(c) All other conditions prescribed in this Department's O.M. dated 18.6.2010, read with O.M. dated 05.8.2010 and 25.8.2011 would continue to apply.
2. Hindi version follows.
(B. Bandyopadhyay)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel: 23040341

All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.


D.G. Posts No. 1-01/2009-WL/Sports Dated 11.06.2012

A meeting of Postal Services Staff Welfare Board(PSSWB) was held on 16.05.2012 in Shri G.P. Roy Committee Room , Dak Bhawan, under the Chairmanship of Hon`ble Minister of State for Communications & IT.
Secretary (Posts) , while welcoming the Hon`ble Chairman, explained in brief the various welfare schemes being run by the Department of Posts, with special reference to the initiatives recently taken in regard to Garmin Dak Sevaks. It was assured that the schemes would be run more efficiently under the guidance of the Chairman.
After the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board and the action report thereon, was confirmed by the Board, discussion on the agenda items began. During the deliberations of the meeting, the following decisions were taken:

1. Opening of Holiday Homes.
The members of the Board were explained that the power to set up holiday homes stands delegated to the Heads of Circles. However, the proposal to have Holiday Homes at various places was discussed and it was decided to issue instructions to all the circles to take action keeping in view the demand as also the powers delegated. In regard to booking of holiday homes on line, the Board was informed that this facility would become available shortly.
2. Timely allotment of Welfare Funds.
The Board was explained that whatever delay occurred in allotment of funds in the recent past was due to late receipt of audited accounts from the Circles. The matter has been re-considered and it has been decided to ensure timely release of funds to those Circles whose audited accounts have been received in time. The Circles which delay submission of accounts will be released funds in the second installment.
3. Enhancement of powers of head of circle for grant of financial assistance in case of prolonged illness/major surgical operations to postal employees/Gramin Dak Sewaks/full time and part time casual lbourers.
The following decisions were taking in this regard.
- In case of Gramin Dak Sewaks, the limit of Rs. 5000/- which is being observed for grant of financial assistance for prolonged illness/ major surgical operations was raised to 10000/-.
- All cases for grant for financial assistance under category (both regular employees as well as GDSs)will be considered by a committee comprising of the CPMG, DPS and DAP..
4. Enhancement of immediate death relief of the family / dependents on the death of postal employees and Gramin Dak Sewaks/full time and part time casual labourers.
- All other things remaining unchanged, it was decided to raise the amount of financial assistance payable to family/dependents of Postal Employees/GDSs /full time and part time casual labourers from the existing Rs.7000/- to Rs. 10000/- in case of death due to accident while on duty.
5. Enhancement of financial assistance under Education Scheme:
The following decisions were taken in this regard.
a) It was decided to increase the existing amount of scholarships both for technical and non-technical courses by 25%.
b) It was agreed to increase the mount of book award to Gramin Dak Sevaks by 25%. However, the grant of book award to regular employees of he Department was dropped as this facility is now a component under CEA being granted for school education.
The issue of revision of pay ceiling for grant of Scholarship was also decided to be examined in the context of MTS where both husband and wife are working.

6. Introduction of scholarship for Post Graduation.
- It was decided to grant scholarship for all technical courses at Post Graduation level on par with under graduate courses.
7. Grant of award for outstanding performance of children of employees in the Public Examination for 10th Standard.
- The Board was informed that some of the education boards follow grading System in place of percentage of marks. Therefore, it was decided to examine the issue in the light of grade criterion fixed by various education boards, for which all Heads of Circles will be addressed.
8. Provision of Canteen in Circle Head Quarter.
- The Board was explained that there are centralized instruction of the Department of Personnel and Training regarding provision of various categories of canteens, depending upon manpower of an office. All infrastructural facilities are provided by the Department in the running of canteens and its employees are Departmental employees. There is no provision to grant any subsidy in this regard.
9. Implementation of health insurance scheme.
- The proposal does not fall within the purview of PSSWB of Department of Posts and therefore no action is warranted.
10. To increase the subscription of Group Insurance Scheme.
- The subject matter concerns Ministry of Finance.
11. Increase in subsidy to crèche.
- It was decided to examine the issue regarding revision of financial assistance being provided for meeting recurring and non-recurring expenditure in the matter of crèches which includes monthly remuneration to ayahs/helpers, visits by Doctors, remuneration to lady supervisor, expenditure of medicine, supplementary nutrition and contingencies like soap oil & deodorant etc.
12 .Increase of grant of scholarship/Transport charges to handicapped/physically challenged and ward of Postal employees and GDS.
- It was decided to examine the revision of financial assistance being provided to physically challenged Postal Employees/GDS and physically challenged wards of employees, including GDS.
13. Allocation of Funds under the Head SC-Sub Plan & ST-Sub Plan.
- The item does not fall within the purview of PSSWB.
14. To make provision for including representatives of All India P&T SC/ST Welfare Association in all Circle Welfare Board and Circle Sports Board.
- It was agreed to issue suitable instructions in this regard to all Heads of Circles.
15. To make provision of IQ for Circle/Divisional representatives of P&T SC/ST Welfare Association, irrespective of any scale/Posts.
- The Bard was explained that provision of IQ in not one of the trade union facilities where office bearers of the association could be given preference. The eligibility for the IQ is to be decided as per standing instructions.
16. To increase Postal Hospital as there is no facility in CGHS Dispensaries for indoor treatment, OPD in evening shift on working days and Sundays/Holidays.
- The Board appreciated the view point of the Circle representatives about lack of adequate medical facilities being made available to the Postal Employees. The Board was informed that this matter also came up for consideration in the 10th Meeting of the Board and as a result thereof, the matter was taken up at the level of Hon`ble Minister with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. The matter is being pursued and monitored very closely.
17. To fix time limit for deciding representation/appeals/petitions/Review Petitions etc. by the concerned Authorities.
- Does not fall within the purview of PSSWB.
18. To make provision for granting festival advance on the Birth day Celebration of Dr. Br. Ambedkar and Sant Siromani Guru Ravidas Ji.
- Does not fall within the purview of PSSWB.
19. To exempt from duty work the retirees on the day of retirement so that he/she may complete all formalities without any tension.
- Does not fall within the purview of PSSWB
20. Issue of Plastic Card/Smart Card to all employees /Pensioners for availing medical facilities irrespective of places/areas.
- The Chairman appreciated the suggestion and it was decided to start it in one or two Circles and based on their experience, it may be followed in other Circles also. The selection of circles will be finalized soon.
21. Opening of Postal Dispensary at Madurai or extension of CGHS scheme to Postal Staff at Madurai Corporation.
- Does not fall within the purview of PSSWB.
22. Grant in aid to P&T Residential Welfare Association (RWA).
- The issue was discussed at length to understand the activities of the RWAs on which the amount of financial assistance is to be spent. The Heads of Circles will be addressed to invite their comments in this regard.
23. Annual Medical check up for those who are above 45 years of age.
- It was decided to have annual medical cheek up of employees of and above the age of 50 years. Suitable instructions in this regard will be issued to All Heads of Circles.
24. Sanction of loan from Circle/Regional Welfare Fund for purchase of a computer to the wards of the employees studying Degree/Engineering /Polytechnic etc.
- Does not fall within the purview of PSSWB
25. Increase of voluntary contribution to Circle Welfare Fund.
- The members of the Board were explained that being voluntary contribution, it may not be desirable for the Department to make it mandatory, to contribute towards this fund. However, if the representatives of the union give in writing to the Department conveying willingness of their members, the issue would be examined.
26. Enhancement of cost of memento presented to the retiring officials.
- Not covered under any of the Welfare Scheme of the Department, and hence no action.
27. For all Postal Colonies constitution and membership of RWAs should make compulsory so that P&T Colonies could be managed well.
- The item was well taken by the Board and it was decided o issue suitable instructions to All Heads of Circles, taking into account the step taken by Rajasthan Circle in this regard. It was also decided to ensure membership of RWAs while issuing letters regarding allotment of quarters as also their continuation.
28. Raising of the present limit for 500 KMS for Excursion Trip.
- The Board, after deliberations, agreed to raise the limit existing 500 Kms. to 700 Kms. for Excursion Trip. Further, not more than one Excursion Trip will be arranged in a year.

In the summing up of the meeting, the Hon`ble Chairman stressed on the need to hold the meeting of the PSSWB at least once in a year. The need to have full utilization of the grant-in-aid for the benefit of the employees/GDSs was also highlighted by the Chairman with clear direction to the Board to submit a complete proposal towards that during the next 3 to 4 months.

The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair.

A guide on Casual Leave and Special Casual Leave

The instructions on the grant of casual leave and special casual leave to Central Government servants paid from Civil Estimates, on specified occasions have been issued by the Government of India from time to time, over a period of years. A need has been felt for consolidating at one place the instructions issued from time to time and still in force on the subject of grant of casual leave and special casual leave. Accordingly, it has been decided to bring out the salient features of the existing instructions on the subject with which the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions are now concerned in the form of a Brochure indicating the general principles relating to the grant of casual leave and special casual leave and the special features relating to grant of special casual leave for specific purposes/occasions. The authority for the various provisions indicated in the different chapters of the Brochure has also been indicated at the end of every para so that the originals could be referred to, whenever necessary.


2.1 Casual leave is not a recognized form of leave. The Government servant on casual leave is not treated as absent from duty and his pay is not intermitted. Casual leave must not, however, be given so as to cause evasion of the rules regarding:-
Date of reckoning allowances
Charges of office
Commencement and end of leave.
Return to duty
Or so as to extend the term of earned or other leave beyond the time admissibility by rule.
(Article 308 Civil Services Regulations)
2.2 The maximum amount of casual leave admissible to the staff serving in civil offices of the Government of India is 12 days in a calendar year, subject to the condition that no more than 8 days casual leave may be allowed at any one time. The Head of the office may, however, relax the limit of 8 days in individual cases of he considers that there are exceptional circumstances justifying a relaxation in this regard.
(MHA OM No, 6/3/59-Estt(A), dated 23rd December, 1959)
2.3 The maximum amount of casual leave in a calendar year in respect of Government servants, who are entitled to less number of public holidays in a year that the number allowed to the office staff in administrative offices, will be 15 days.
(DP&AR No. 28016/1/77-Estt(A) dated the 17th Sept., 1977)
2.4 Sundays and closed holidays can be prefixed or suffixed to the casual leave. Public holidays and weekly offs falling within a period of casual leave should not be counted as part of the casual leave.
(MHA OM No.6/3/59-Estt(A) dated 23rd December, 1959 and 20th August, 1960)
2.5 Restricted holidays can also be prefixed or suffixed to casual leave.
(MHA OM No.20/37/60-Pub.I, dated 7th October., 1960)
2.6 Persons who join Government service in the middle of the year, can be allowed to avail of casual leave proportionately or the full maximum period in a year, at the discretion of the authority competent to sanction the leave.
(MHA OM No.6/3/59-Estt.(A), dated 23rd December, 1959)
2.7 Casual Leave can be combined with Special Casual leave, but where it is permissible to grant regular leave in combination with special casual leave, casual leave should not be granted in combination with both special casual leave and regular leave.
(OM No.46/8/67-Estt.(A), dated 22nd July, 1967)
2.8 Casual leave cannot be combined with joining time.
(Rule 6(2) of the GGS (Joining Time) Rules, 1979)
2.9 Casual leave can be taken while on tour.
(M/O Finance OM No. 1(14) E.IV(B)/66, dated 7.2.67)
2.10 Grant of half a day’s casual leave to a Government servant is permissible. The lunch interval will be the dividing line for the grant of half a day’s casual leave. The balance at credit in the casual leave account of Government ser ants can, therefore, be in terms of full day or full days and half a day.
(MHA OM No.60/17/64-Estt.(A), dated 4th August, 1965)
2.11 If a Government servant having only half a day’s casual leave at his credit avails it in the afternoon of a day and is unable to resume duty on the next working day due to sickness or other compelling grounds, he may be permitted to combine half-a-day’s casual leave with regular leave by way of exception in the principle laid down in paragraph 2.1 above. However, a Government servant having only half a day’s casual leave at his credit who has applied for regular leave shall not be permitted to avail of the half a day’s casual leave on the afternoon on the day preceding the commencement of his leave.
(MHA OM No.60/45/65-Estt.(A), dated 4.2.66)
2.12 Half-d-day’s causal leave should be debited to the casual leave account of a Government servant for each late attendance but late attendance up to an hour, on not more than two occasions in a month may be condoned by the competent authority, if it is satisfied that the late attendance is due to unavoidable reasons. Similarly a Government servant, leaves office early before the time for closing of office without permission, half-a-day’s casual leave should be debited to his casual leave account for each such early departure from office.
2.13 If a Government servant having no casual leave to his credit comes late without sufficient justification and the administrative authority is not prepared to condone the late comingbut does not at the same time propose to take disciplinary action, it may inform the Government servant that he will be treated as on unauthorized absence for the day on which he has come late and leave it to the Government servant himself either to fall the consequences of unauthorized absence or apply for earned leave or any other kind of leave due to admissible for the entire day and sanction the leave.
(DP&AR OM No.28034/3/82-Estt.(A), dated 5th March, 1982)
2.14 For the purpose of maintaining the account of casual leave, a register is to be maintained. Only one page should be used for a whole year for all the employees in one section (Group) appropriate indication being given in the relevant column against the date on which casual leave or restricted holiday is availed of by an individual and the entry should be attested by the sanctioning office promptly by means of dated initials.
(OM No.46/3/61-Estt.(A), dated 17th July, 1961)

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->3.1 Special casual leave is not a recognized form of leave and a Government servant on special casual leave is not treated as absent from duty.
(MHA OM No.46/1/58-Estt.(A), dated 17th December, 1958)
3.2 Special casual leave must not be granted so as to extend the term of leave beyond the time admissible under the rules or to cause evasion of rules regarding date of reckoning pay and allowances, change of office, commencement and end of leave, or return from duty.
(MHA OM No.46/7/50-Estt.(A), dated 5th April, 1954)
3.3 Special casual leave can be combined with regular leave or casual leave, but not with both.
(DP&AR OM No.28016/4/77-Estt.(A), dated 5th April, 1954)
3.4 Where the maximum permissible limit of special casual leave is in terms of days as distinct from working days. Sundays and closed holidays intervening in a period of special casual leave are not to be ignored for determining the maximum entitlement of special casual leave for a specific purpose.
(Clarification contained in DP&AR OM No. 28016/4/77-Estt.(A),46/7/50-Estt.(A), dated 18.5.78 and DP&AR OM No. 28016/1/80-Estt.(A), 30th April, 1981)
3.5 Leave travel concession can be availed of during special casual leave.
(DP&AR OM No. 35011/3/76-Estt.(A), dated end May, 1977)
3.6 The grant of special casual leave for specific purposes is governed by the provisions contained in the subsequent chapters.

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<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->4.1 The extend of special casual leave admissible to the Central Government servants under the Family Welfare Programme for various operations is as follows:-
Nature of Operation
Maximum Duration
Male Government servants
6 working days
Vasectomy for second time
6 working days
Female Government servants
Puerperal/non-puerperal tubectomy
14 days
Puerperal/non-puerperal tubectomy for second time
14 days
Salpingectomy after Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP)
14 days
IUCD insertion/reinsertion
Day of insertion/reinsertion.
Grant of special casual leave for undergoing tubectomy by female Government servants will be permissible even when the operation is under laproscopic method. The grant of special casual leave for undergoing sterilization i.e. vasectomy/tubectomy for the second time will be subject to production of a medical certificate from the prescribed medical authority to the effect that the second operation was performed due to failure of the first operation. The special casual leave connected with sterilization can either be prefixed to or suffixed with regular leave or casual leave and not both.
(DP&AR OM No. 28016/3/78-Estt(A), dated the 6th August, 1979, OM No. 28016/1/80-Estt.(A), dated the 30th April, 1980 and OM No. 28016/5/83-Estt.(A), dated the 25th January, 1984)
4.2 Additional special casual leave over and above the limits mentioned in para 4.1 above can be granted to Government servants, who development post-sterilisation operation complications and are hospitalized. The grant of additional special casual leave covering the period of hospitalization is subject to the production of a medical certificate from the hospital authorities concerned/authorized Medical Attendant. The same benefit is also admissible to those who do not remain hospitalized but are not found fit to go to work, on the production of a medical certificate from the above authorities but the grant of extra special casual leave will be subject to the following ceilings in these cases:-
Post-vasectomy complications
7 days
Post-tubectomy complications
14 days
(DP&AR OM No. 28016/3/75-Estt(A), dated 6th August, 1979 and OM No. 28016/1/80-Estt(A), dated 30th April, 1981)
4.3 Special casual leave upto a maximum period of 7 days can be given to a male Government servant, whose wife undergoes puerperal/non-puerperal tubectomy including sterilization performed through laproscopy for the first or the second time. The same amount of special casual leave is admissible to him even if his wife undergoes tubectomy /salpingectomy operation under MTP. The grant of special casual leave in both the cases will be subject to production of a medical certificate certifying that his wife has undergone the particular sterilization operation.
(DP&AR OM No. 28016/3/75-Estt(A), dated 6th August, 1979)
4.4 Central Government servants who undergo operation of recanlisation may be granted special casual leave upto a period of 21 days or the actual period of hospitalization as certified by the authorized medical attendant whichever is less. Besides, special casual leave may also be granted for the actual period of journey performed (to and fro) for undergoing the operation. The grant of special casual leave is subject to the following conditions:-
The operation should have been performed in an hospital/medical college/institute where facilities for recanalisation is available. If the operation is performed in a private hospital, it should be one nominated by State/Central Government for performing the recanlisation operation.
4.5 The concession of special casual leave for recanalisation operation is admissible to central Government servants who -
are unmarried, or
have been less than two children; or
desire recanalisation for substantial reasons, e.g. a person has lost all male children or all female children after sterilization operation performed earlier.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->4.6 Special casual leave connected with recanalisation may be prefixed or suffixed with regular leave or casual leave and not both.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->5.1 In view of the important role played by sports in the national life, Government servants participating in sports events of national and international importance are allowed various concessions which include grant of special casual leave as also treatment of the period of participation in the sports activities as duty. The circumstances in which the participation of Government servants in sporting events is to be regulated as duty or by grant of special casual leave is given in the subsequent paras.
5.2 The period of participation of Central Government servants in sporting events of national/international importance as also the time spent by them in traveling to and from for such tournaments/meets may be treated as duty instead of special casual leave. If any pre-participation coaching camp is held in connection with such events and the Government servant is required to attend the same, this period may also be treated as duty.
(DP&Trg. OM No. 6/1/85/-Estt.(Pay-I), dated 16th July 85)
5.3 Government servants, whose services are selected in connection with the coaching or administration of the teams participating in sporting events of national and international importance may be granted special casual leave for a period not exceeding thirty days in any calendar year, provided their services are utilized by the organization such as the sports/Federation of India/Association recognized by the All India Council of Sports and approved by the Ministry of Education or by a State zone or circle.
5.4 Government servants functioning as commentator in sporting events of national or international importance can be granted special casual leave not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year provided the Government servants were selected or sponsored for giving running commentaries over the All India Radio/Doordarshan in national/international meets by the organization such as the Sports Federation of India/Association recognized by the All India Council of Sports and approved by the Ministry of Education, etc. or by a State, Zone or Circle.
(DP&AR OM NO. 28016/2/79-Estt(A), dated 28th November, 1979)
5.5 Government servants, who attend coaching or training camps in the following institutions, can be granted special casual leave not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year and this special casual leave can be combined with regular leave:
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur Coaching Scheme or similar All India Coaching Scheme or similar All India Coaching or Training Schemes.
National Institute of Sports, Patiala.
Coaching camp organized by the National Federation of sports boards recognized by the All India Council of Sports, Ministry of Education and Youth Services.
5.6 Government servants, who participate in trekking or mountaineering expeditions which have the approval of the Indian Mountaineering Foundation, may be granted special casual leave not exceeding thirty days in any calendar year. This special casual leave may be combined with regular leave.
(OM No. 27/4/68-Estt(B), dated 6th September, 1969)
(OM No. 28016/2/84-Estt(A), dated 11.4.1985)
5.7 Government servants, who participate in inter-ministerial and interdepartmental Tournaments and sporting events held in and outside Delhi may be granted special casual leave not exceeding 10 days in a calendar year provided:
The sporting events is duly recognized by Government and is normally limited to Tournament sponsored by Central Secretariat staff welfare and Amenities committee and other recognized sports/recreation clubs of Government servants.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->5.8 Government servants, who participate in cultural activities like dance, dramas music, poetic symposium etc. of an All India or Inter-state character organized by the Central Secretariat Sports Control Board or on its behalf, may be granted special casual leave not exceeding thirty days in any calendar year. Provided that such special casual leave will not be admissible for practice, or for participation in cultural activities organized locally.
(MHA OM No. 27/3/68-Estt(B), dated 28th June, 1969)
5.9 There will be no change in the overall limit of 30 days of special casual leave for an individual Government servant for one calendar year for participating in sporting events mentioned above taken together.
(DP&Trg. OM No. 28016/2/84-Estt(A), dated 11.4.85) and DP&T OM No. 6/1/85-Estt(Pay-I), dated 16.5.85)
6.1 Government servants may be granted special casual leave to the extent required to attend meetings organized by Scientific Association like Indian Science Congress Association, the National Institute of Science of India, the Institute of Engineers, the Academy of Science Bangalore and other similar bodies, and for journeys to and from the place of meetings. Special casual leave for this purpose is available to invitees, member officials delegates of the organization concerned or those who have been asked to read papers at a conference. Special casual leave granted for this purpose may be combined with casual leave.
(MHA OM No. 74/4/50-Estt(A), dated 26th July, 1951)
6.2 Government servants, who are members of the Indian Institute of Public Administration and reside outside Delhi, may be granted special casual leave not exceeding 6 working days in a calendar year plus journey time for attending authorized meetings of the Indian Institute of Public Administration.
(MHA OM No. 46/11/62-Estt(A), dated 21st June 1962)
6.3 Government servants may be granted special casual leave to attend meetings of cooperative societies. Members, delegates of members, management committee members and office bearers of cooperative societies (formed exclusively with Central Government employees) who are posted outside the headquarters of the societies may be granted special casual leave upto a maximum period of ten days in a calendar year, plus the minimum period required for the journeys, to attend such meetings.
6.4 Members of cooperative societies who bye-laws provide for attending annual general meetings/special general meetings through delegates if members will not be eligible for special casual leave and in such cases only the elected delegates will be eligible for this special casual leave. However, if the members are required to participate any meetings outside the headquarters of the society, for the purpose of electing their delegates they may be granted special casual leave.
6.5 Special casual leave in such cases will be granted by the Heads of Department in the case of Government servants under their administrative control and the Ministries of the Government of India in other cases. Special casual leave under these orders may be combined with ordinary casual leave only and not with regular leave.
(MHA OM No. 46/22/63-Estt(A), dated 14.1.64)
6.6 Government servants who are posted at the Headquarters may be granted special casual leave for attending meetings of the cooperative societies to cover the actual period of unavoidable absence and subject to the exigencies of work. If the absence will be in the forenoon, or in the afternoon as the case may be then special casual leave may be granted for half a day only to cover the actual period of absence. The Government servant concerned should furnish a certificate from the cooperative society concerned to the effect that he actually attended the meeting indicating the time and duration of the meeting.
(MHA OM No. 28016/1/84-Estt(A), dated 19th June, 1984)
Government servants who are union office bearers and delegates of the Central Government employees unions/associations may be granted special casual leave to attend the activities of Unions/Associations.
An office bearer of a recognized service association/union of Central Government employees may be granted special casual leave up to a maximum of 20 days in a calendar year, for participation in the activities of Associations/Unions.
Outstation/delegate members of executive Committee of recognized All India Association/Federation may be granted special casual leave up to 10 days in a calendar year to attend its meetings and
Similarly the local delegates/local members of executive committees of all recognized Associations/unions Federations may be granted special casual leave up to 5 days in a calendar year for attending meetings of such Associations/Unions/Federations.
Those availing special casual leave as office-bearers will not be entitled to avail special casual leave separately in their capacity as Delegate/Committee members.
Where a Union/Association/Federation follows a year other than the calendar year for the purposes of its annual elections, the entitlement of special casual leave should be regulated in terms of the year actually followed by such Union/Association/Federation in place of the calendar year. When an office-bearer comes into office during the course of the year in casual vacancies, the competent authority has the discretion to grant special casual leave up to the maximum entitlement in a full year, having regard to the genuineness and merits of each particular case.
(MHA OM No. 27/3/69-Estt(B), dated 8.4.69 & Deptt. of Personnel OM No. 8/13/72-JCA, dated 4th September, 1972)
At the request of the leader of the Staff Side, the Head of the Department/Office may grant special casual leave not exceeding five days in a year, to a member of the Staff side to enable him to attend Staff side Consultations.
Similarly the leader of the Staff Side and, at and above the Departmental Joint Council level, one Secretary from the Staff Side designated as such by the leader, may be allowed additional special leave not exceeding 10 days in a year for preparing staff side cases. This will be in addition to the provisions regarding grant of special casual leave for association activities contained in OM No. 27/3/69-Estt(B), dated the 8th April, 1969.
(MHA OM No. 8/6/70-JCA, dated 30.10.70)
8.1 Government servants may be granted special casual leave for appearing in Departmental Promotion Examination, which are neither obligatory nor entail a condition of preferment in Government service (i.e limited Departmental Examination for Section Officers grade of C.S.S. etc.) for the actual duration of the departmental promotion examination and the minimum period required for the journey to and from the examination center nearest to the headquarter where such examination is held outside the headquarters. This facility will not be admissible to departmental candidates for appearing at the open competitive examinations conducted by UPSC and Staff Selection Commission for direct recruitment.
(MHA OM No. 46/26/63-Estt(A), dated 2nd Dec., 1963)
8.2 Government servants may be granted special casual leave for appearing in Grade III Stenographers Examination being held by the Secretariat Training School ( now Staff Selection Commission), for the period of examination plus the minimum period required for the journey to and from the examination. The eligible government servants who have to take the examination from outside Headquarters may be paid single TA only by the Class of accommodation for which they are entitled or by which they actually travel whichever is less, for the journey to and from the nearest railway stations to their headquarters to Delhi by the shortest route. However, no DA will be paid for this purpose. A candidate who comes to Delhi on official duty during the period of the examination or before, and also appears in the examination , will not be paid any T.A. The concession of special casual leave and T. A. in respect of outstation candidates will not be admissible to a candidates on more than two occasions.
( MHA OM No. 1/18/70/CS.II dated 31st August, 1970)

9.1 Government servants may be granted special casual leave for participation in the activities of the Kendriya Sachivalaya Hindi Parishad on the following occasions.
9.2 An office bearer of the Kendriya Sachivalaya Hindi Parishad may be granted special casual leave upto five days, including the time taken on journeys, in connection with the general body meeting of the Parishad and on the occasion of its prize distribution ceremonies subject to the condition that the special casual leave will be confined to the days on which the meetings/ceremonies are held, and the time actually taken on the journeys.
9.3 For participation in the meetings of the Central Committee at Delhi an office-bearer traveling from an out-station may be granted special casual leave upto a limit of five days depending on the distance of the place of duty from Delhi.
9.4 Office bearers working in the Central Secretariat at Delhi and going to places other than those mentioned at 9.2 and 9.3 above for attending the activities of the Parishad, may be granted special casual leave upto twenty days in a year, for the outward and return journey, restricted to the actual time spent on the journeys.
9.5 The total special casual leave granted to an individual during any one calendar year for any of the purpose mentioned in (a), (b) and (c) above or for all the purposes taken together should not exceed twenty days.
( MHA OM No. 28016/2/76- Estt(B), dated the 30th June,1976)

10.1 At the time of actual recruitment /commissioning the individual will be required to report for interview. The period of absence on this account by Government servants joining the Territorial Army should be treated as casual leave or to the extent casual leave is not due , as special casual leave.
During the period spend in Camps, which will be of very short duration, the absence of Govt. servants from their Civil posts should be treated as casual leave or to the extent that casual leave is not due, as special casual leave.
( MHA OM No. 25/19/49-Estt-A , dated 7th July , 1950)
10.2 At the time of recruitment/commissioning in Auxiliary Air Force, an individual is required to report for interview or other tests or medical examinations. The period of absence of Government servants on these accounts should be treated as casual leave or to the extent casual leave is not due, as special casual leave.
( MHA OM No. 47/2/55-Estt-A , dated the 18th May,1957)
10.3 Government servants may be granted special casual leave for interview/Medical examination etc. to join the Indian Naval Reserve and the Indian Naval Volunteer Reserve, where it is not possible for the Government servant concerned to attend to his civilian duties after the interview/medical examination etc. However, if a Government servant withdraws his candidature at the interview, he would not be entitled to any special casual leave.
(MHA OM No.47/4/62-Estt-A, dated 4.12.1962 &
MHA OM No. 47/28/63- Estt-A, dated 20.6.1963)
10.4 When Civil Government servants are called for training the Territorial Army/Defence Reserve/Auxiliary Air Force, the period spent by them in transit from the date of their relief from civil posts to the date on which they report to military authorities and vice versa should be treated as special casual leave.
( MHA OM No. 36/15/64-Estt-B, dated the 15th June, 1965)
10.5 Government servants may be granted special casual leave while acting as members of officially sponsored auxiliary police organizations such as Home Guards, National Voluntary Corps, Prantiya Raksha Dal etc. to cover the period of training, and duty spent by them as Home Guard etc.
(MHA OM No. 25/1/49-Estt-A, dated 10th Jan.,1949)
10.6 Government servants enrolled as members of the Civil Defence Corps may be granted special casual leave to cover periods spent to perform may duties and functions including training or participating in a exercise or rehearsal, during office hours.
( MHA OM No. 47/7/63-Estt(A), dated 23.5.1963 and
MHA OM No. 2/7/68-DG,CD (CD), dated 29th October, 1968)

While the Government may issue specific instructions regarding treatment of the period of absence of employees during any particular bandh, ordinary a Government servant may be granted special casual leave as explained below, if the competent authority is satisfied that the absence of the individual concerned was entirely due to reasons beyond his control, e.g. due to failure to transport, or disturbances or picketing or imposition of curfew etc. If the absence was due to failure of transport facilities, the special casual leave may be granted if the Government servants had to come from a distance or more 3 miles (5 kms.) to their places of duty.
If the absence was due to picketing or disturbances or curfew, the special casual leave may be granted without insisting on the condition that the distance between the place of duty and residence of the Government servant should be more than 3 miles (5 Kms).
Special casual leave in these cases may be granted by the Head of the Department.
(DP&T OM No. 27/6/71-Estt(B), dated the 1st Nov. 1971
DP&T OM No. 28016/1/79-Estt(A), dated the 28th May,1979
DP&T OM No. 3011/(S)/87-Estt(B), dated the 16th Feb., 1987)

12.1 Government servants who donates blood on a working day casual leave for that day.
(MHA OM No. 46/11/56-Estt(A), dated the 8th Oct., 1956)
12.2 Government servants, who have enrolled themselves as members of St. John Ambulance Brigade while performing such duties office hours on working days may be granted special casual leave not exceeding three days per annum. If the duties so performed extend to only half a day on any one occasions, only half a day’s special casual leave should be allowed.
(MHA OM No. 27/5/70-Estt(B), dated the 12th Jan., 1971)
12.2.1 Government servants who participate in the Republic Day Parade and the rehearsal connected therewith in their capacity as members of the St. John Ambulance Parade may be granted special casual leave to cover the actual period of absence from duty.
(MHA OM No. 46/9/55-Estt(A), dated the 27th Oct., 1955)
12.3 Government servants having joined the Lok Sahayak Sena and have won certificate of merit and are required to participate in the Republic Day Parade, may be granted special casual leave for a period not exceeding fourteen days required for their stay in Delhi in connection with such participation plus the minimum period required for their journey from Headquarters of the Government servants to Delhi and back.
(MHA OM No. 46/5/58-Estt-A, dated the 25th June, 1958)
12.4 Ex-servicemen who were boarded out of service and re-employed as civilians may be granted special casual leave for appearing before Medical Re-survey Boards for assessing their disability pension. Also those Ex-servicemen, who had sustained injuries during operations and are re-employed as civilians may be granted special casual leave, to enable them to go to Artificial limb Centres for replacement of the artificial limb or for treatment. The Ministries/Departments and the Head of Department wherever empowered may grant such special casual leave up to a maximum or 15 days in a year, including transit time both ways on the basis of Medical Discharge Certificate.
( DP&AR OM No. 28016/12/75- Estt(B), dated 4th May, 1976)
Government’s instructions
reduction in number of Casual Leave
No. 12/9/94-JCA
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
January 14, 1998
Reduction in Casual Leave entitlement and various recommendations of the Fifty Pay Commission in respect of number of holiday/working week etc.
In the light of the various recommendations of Fifty Central Pay Commission contained in Chapter 118 of the Report relating to Hours of Work and Holidays etc., the following decisions have been taken by the Government.
2. WORKING WEEK: It has been decided to continue the five-day-week working system introduced since June-1985 in the civil administrative offices of Government of India. Departments whose functions are pre-dominantly marked by public dealings or of commercial nature and at present are functioning on 5-day-week basis, will review the existing arrangements and switch over to 6-day-week wherever feasible. Action taken in this regard will be reported to this Ministry within the next four months.
3. HOLIDAYS: The existing system of holidays will continue. No holiday shall, however, be declared in the event of death of any person other than the incumbent President of India or the incumbent Prime Minister of India. Suitable orders in this regard have already been issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs vide OM No. 3/2/97-Public dated 21.11.1997.
4. CASUAL LEAVE ENTITLEMENT: It has also been decided to reduce with effect from Ist January, 1998 the number of days of Casual Leave for Central Government employees from the existing 12 days to 8 days in a year. Various Departments may also effect corresponding reduction with effect from Ist January, 1998 where the Casual Leave entitlement for certain categories is higher than 12 under intimation to this Ministry.
5. All Ministries/Departments may bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned under their administrative control and ensure compliance with these instructions.

TEL. No. 301 1276
No. 28016/3/98-Estt.(A)
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, dated the 15th June, 1998
Casual Leave.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No. 12/9/94-JCA dated 14.1.1998 and to say that w.e.f. 1.1.1998, Central Government servants are entitled to 8 days casual leave in a calendar year.
2. It is clarified that the entitlement of 8 days casual leave in a calendar year is subject to the condition that not more than 5 days casual leave may be allowed at any one time. The Head of the Office may, however, waive this condition in individual cases if he considers that there are exceptional circumstances justifying relaxation in this regard.
3. In regard to persons who join government service in the middle of a calendar year, the authority competent to grant such leave will have the discretion to grant either the full period of 8 days casual leave or only a proportion thereof, after taking into account all the circumstances of the case.
4. It is further clarified that the operating and maintenance staff etc., who were entitled to 15 days C.L. till 31.12.1997, would be allowed 10 days casual leave in a calendar year w.e.f. 1.1.98 (i.e. reduced by 1/3rd of the total).
5. Sundays or closed holidays which precede a period of casual leave or come at the end may be prefixed or suffixed to such leave. Similarly, public holidays and weekly offs falling within the period of casual leave should not be counted as part of casual leave.
6. The instructions contained in the Ministry of Home Affairs OM No. 6/3/59-Estt(A) dated 23.12.1959 & 20.8.1960 and DPAR OM No. 27/6/73-Estt(B) dated 8.7.74 and 28016/1/77-Estt(A) dated 17.9.77, are hereby rescinded.
7. Hindi version will follow.
(S.C. Sharma)
TEL. No. 301 4254