Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers is holding its National Council at Mumbai on 01-12-10. National Council will be held once in a year before the All India Conference. This meeting is going to be a milestone because a new charter of demands including a DEMAND FOR REVISION OF WAGES FOR CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES ONCE IN FIVE YEARS is going to be framed. Please go through the notice placed here under and send the items to be taken up at the meeting to the CHQ.
First National Women's convention at Kolkata is also going to be held from 29 &30 Jan.2011 by the Confederation. Please indicate the number of women delegates as required in the below placed circular.
Manishinath Bhawan, A/2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110 027.
Dated; 13TH November, 2010
Dear Comrade,
This is in continuation to the notice for the National Council meeting, which has been placed on the website and post copy having been sent to all concerned. We request the National Council members to make it convenient to attend the meeting on Ist December, 2010 at Mumbai.
Under the item organisational review, we would like to discuss the modalities of holding the first National Women's convention at Kolkata. The West Bengal State Committee has informed us that it would be possible for them to hold the Convention at Kolkata on 29 and 30th Jan. 2011. The affiliates will take this into account and indicate the number of delegates they would be able to deploy for the convention. We shall take a final decision of the composition of the convention at the National Council meeting.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally
K.K.N. Kutty
CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND WORKERS. Chq: Manishinath Bhawan, A2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 100 027. E mail. E mail.
Dated: 11th November, 2010
Notice is hereby given for a meeting of the National Council of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, on 1st December, 2010 at DGFAFLI, Ministry of Labour, Central Labour Institute, Chunabhatti Road, Sion, Mumbai – 400 022. The meeting will commence at 10.00 a.m. and will continue till the agenda items are discussed and concluded. The following is the agenda for discussion at the meeting.
1. Review of the 7th September Strike (The State Committee will place written report).
2. Finalisation of Charter of Demands. (Members may send in item for inclusion in the Charter well
before the National Council Meeting).
before the National Council Meeting).
3. Reporting on issues pending at the National Anomaly and MACP Committee meetings.
4. Issues taken up before the National Council (Members may send fresh item with explanatory
memorandum, the problem faced by various states in respect of CGHS facilities may be submitted
memorandum, the problem faced by various states in respect of CGHS facilities may be submitted
5. Steps to be taken to improve the participation of Central Government Employees in the common
struggles of the working class.
struggles of the working class.
6. Finalisation of programmes of action.
7. Organisational review (State Committees and applications for affiliations).
8. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
Secretary General.
Secretary General.
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