(M) G.S. 09912348500 (M): Office: 9868451466
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association
Central Headquarters
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, Type-IV, DDA Flat, New Delhi – 110018
(Camp at: B-17,F-3,Vignanapuri,Vidyanagar,Hyderabad-500044)
AIPAEA/CHQ/ 2011 Dated 08-06-2011
Sri. Manish Sinha,
Department of Posts,
New Delhi.
Sub: - Gr. B status to Senior Accountant cadre in the Postal Accounts and
Telecom Accounts – Request – Regarding.
Telecom Accounts – Request – Regarding.
Ref:- 1)The notification in the Gazette of India {S.O.946 (E)} on 09th
April’2009 by the Department of Personnel and Training.
April’2009 by the Department of Personnel and Training.
2)DOPLr.No.4-4/2008-PCCDated23-04-2009 and subsequent Corrigendum
issued by DOP vide PC Cell lr. of eve no . Dt. 04-05-2009.
issued by DOP vide PC Cell lr. of eve no . Dt. 04-05-2009.
3) Corrigendum issued by the Department of Telecommunications vide
Lr. No. 33-23/2005-SEA-II/Vol.-II dated 18-08-2009.
4) AIPAEA/CHQ/ 2010 Dated 26-10-2010 a/t Member (F) and copy
endorsed to the DDG(PAF).
endorsed to the DDG(PAF).
5) AIPAEA/CHQ letters dated 17-03-2010 and 25-06-2010.
Respected Sir,
I request your kind attention to the letters cited above on the issue of granting Gr. B (Non-Gazetted) status to the Senior Accountants cadre. This issue is pending for more than one year and due to this inordinate delay many problems have been cropped up in the units. For example in the units like Cuttuck and Hyderabad, LTC bills and CGEGIS payments in respect of diseased officials were kept pending.
It is submitted that the DOP&T with the notification under reference 1 has already classified all the civil posts under the Union and the posts carrying the grade pay of Rs. 4200 has been accorded the status of Gr.B. Acting on this DOP has issued orders classifying the post of Senior Accountant and HSG I posts as Group-B (Non-Gazetted). But the issue is still under consideration of the PA Wing, even after lapse of one year. This Association has already submitted that there is only a broad parity among the cadres in the Organised Accounts Departments and they are not equal in all respects. Hence, I request you to kindly issue orders granting Gr. B status(Non-Gazetted) to the Senior Accountants working in PAOs and end the confusion in the field units. Immediate action in this regard is requested.
With Regards,
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary.
(M) G.S. 09912348500 (M): Office: 9868451466
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association
Central Headquarter
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, Type-IV, DAO Flat, New Delhi – 110018 e-mail:
(Camp at: B-17, F-3,Vignanapuri,Vidyanagar,Hyderabad-500044)
AIPAEA/CHQ/ 2011 Date: 09-06-2011
Sri. Surender Kumar,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi.
Sub:- Grant of Financial upgradation in the promotional hierarchy
instead of Grade Pay hierarchy under the MACPS – furnishing
information- Regarding.
instead of Grade Pay hierarchy under the MACPS – furnishing
information- Regarding.
Ref: - File No. 4-7/ (MACPS)/ 2009-PCC Dated 14-05-2011.
Following are the Group- C cadres existing in the Postal Accounts Organization with the Grades Pays mentioned against.
1. MTS Rs. 1800
2. Sorter Rs. 1800 (Defunct Cadre)
3. LDC Rs. 1900
4. Junior Accountant Rs. 2800
5. Senior Accountant Rs. 4200 and
6. Asst.Accounts Officer Rs. 4800 (Gr.B)
The promotional channel for these cadres is also in the same order, except Sorter where in promotions and appointments are not taking place because the said cadre was declared a dying cadre in the year 2000. It can be observed that the Grade Pay available on functional promotions is different from that of the financial up-gradation under MACP. There is vast difference between these two modes of promotions. The Grade Pay on Financial up-gradation is lower than the Grade Pay on the Promotional hierarchy. Hence, the Cadres LDC, Junior Accountant and Senior Accountant are on losing side with the MACP in Grade Pay hierarchy rather than Functional Promotion hierarchy.
The Grade Pay hierarchy has created many anomalies within a single cadre. For example The Junior Accountant under DR will get the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 (Ist MACP), Rs.4600(II MACP) and Rs. 4800(III MACP).
The Junior Accountant who got promoted from LDC will get Rs.4200(II MACP) and Rs.4600(III MACP). The Junior Accountant (DR) who got two promotions under ACP scheme before 1st Sept.2008 will get Rs. 5400 G.P. as his III MACP.( Rs.4200 > Rs.4800 > Rs.5400) due to functional grade hierarchy available under ACP.
Similarly in all cadres, if the MACP is given under Promotional hierarchy it is more beneficial. It will also remove many anomalies. Hence, this Association suggests that in the PAO the financial up-gradation under Promotional hierarchy should be introduced.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
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