Tuesday, February 1, 2011


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E-mail: auditflag@gmail.com/ v_aicaea@yahoo.co.in

Reference: JAC/Circular -01/2011                                                                     Date: 29th January, 2011

Chief Executives of
Constituent Organisations &
Conveners, Local JACs

Dear Comrades,

At the very outset, wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year 2011. Our New Year resolution should be, on priority, getting the resolution on rejection of arbitration award on grant of parity in pay scale with central secretariat called back from Parliament and getting the award implemented.
Reports receiving from the field formations of the constituent organisations indicate that the non implementation of the award and the move of the government to reject it is not generating sanction – and hence action – as it should. Many reasons are cited by many a comrades. The common refrain is that the direct beneficiaries of the arbitration award who are still in service are getting dwindled day by day.
There is a failure on the part of the leadership in educating the mass of employees on the adverse impact of the rejection of the arbitration award on grant of parity in pay scale with central secretariat.
One should remember that irreparable damage has already been caused to our demand for parity in pay scale with Assistants of CSS by the simple action of certain misguided colleagues knocking the doors of judiciary and the Supreme Court knocking out the demand in the expected lines.
The sixth CPC has also not done what was expected of it – stating that, relying on the Supreme Court judgement rejecting the parity with Assistants of CSS, parity has never been accepted by the government. Though the SCPC gave the same grade pay to both SAs and Assistants, the Assistants have again manipulated to be at a higher grade pay, against the very recommendation of the SCPC.
The award given by the Central Board of arbitration in 2004 granting parity in Pay scale to SAs of Audit & Accounts with Assistants of CSS from 1.1.1986 is the basis for the demand of audit and accounts fraternity for the parity with Assistants of CSS – with judiciary going against us.
If the Parliament also rejects the concept of pay parity with Assistants of CSS by the rejecting the arbitration award, the result would be that forever the audit and accounts personnel would have to be at a lower pedestal in the pay hierarchy vis-à-vis Assistants of CSS.
Let us remember that audit and accounts employees achieved the long pending demand of pay parity with Assistants of CSS in 1984/1987 and also in 2003 not through judicial process, but through negotiations backed by sustained agitation.
The story is not different today. It should be our endeavour to defeat the forces that are working against the interests of audit and accounts fraternity – in and out. For that a strong movement is to be built up, the local JACs will have to be functioning and active.
The local MPs should be contacted and they be persuaded to write to the Finance Minister calling upon him to recall the resolution  and implement the award given by the Central Board of Arbitration in CA ref No 03/2001.
Keeping in mind that any laxity in mobilising the membership and the MPs of your area would be suicidal for the cause of audit and accounts personnel for ever to come, the Apex JAC appeal to every one of you plunge into education and mobilisation of Members of the Association simultaneously trying to enlist the support of the Members of the Parliament.

The Apex JAC calls upon every constituent and its field formations to observe 15th February 2011 as “AWAKENINGDAY” by holding lunch-hour demonstration in each office and adopt the enclosed resolution. Copy of the resolution may please be forwarded to Apex JAC as well as to the CHQ of each constituent organization.

It has been decided that, apex JAC shall meet at AGCR Building, ITO New Delhi on 22nd February 2011 at 3.P.M. to review the latest situation and decide about the future course of action.

All Chief Executives of constituent organizations of apex JAC are requested to attend the meeting without fail. However, formal notice for the meeting is being issued separately.
With warm greetings,
Yours fraternally,



This general body meeting of the …….Association held on 15th February 2011 having deliberated in detail the adverse impact of the move of the government to reject the award by the Central Board of Arbitration in CA ref No 03/2001 here-by commit themselves to launch vigorous campaign amongst the audit and accounts employees for joining the struggle for parity in pay scale with Assistants of CSS and grant of higher pay scale to audit and accounts cadres maintaining vertical relativity.

This meeting further resolves to mobilise the Members of the Parliament of the state/station in support of the implementation of arbitration award in CA reference No 3/2001, granting pay parity with Assistants of CSS.

Resolve to send copies of the resolution to Convener, Apex JAC and Secretary General, Association.


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