Friday, April 1, 2011



No. JCA/AGTN/2011 Dated – 31.03.2011

Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan New Delhi – 110001

Sub: - Problems faced by the Postal and RMS Employees – Reg.

1. The joint meeting of all the All India Unions/Associations affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) and Federation of National Postal organizations (FNPO) and the GDS Unions held at New Delhi on 30.03.2011 has reviewed the situation prevailing in the Postal Department and has come to the unanimous conclusion that many unilateral orders issued by the Department is causing much concern and are also detrimental to the interest of the department and also to the employees including GDS.

2. We are really shocked to read the contents of Directorate’s letter No. 40-60/2010/Plg dated 25.01.2011 addressed to all CPMGS/PMGs wherein it is directed to complete the process of closure/merger/relocation of about 9797 Post offices functioning at present in Urban areas on the plea that they do not conform with the distance condition prescribed by the Directorate for opening of new Post Offices. The total number of Departmental Post Offices as on 31.03.2010 is 27360. Closure of 9797 Post offices means reduction of about 36% of the existing Postal network. We cannot accept the argument put forward by the Department justifying such mass scale closure/merger/relocation. We are at a loss to understand why our Department is resorting to such mass-scale closures, when all other private couriers and companies are competing to canvass our customers by opening more and more outlets in the urban areas for extending their services to the doorstep of the customer. We fear that in the name of rationalization and optimization, our department is giving more space for the private companies to occupy more shares in the mail market segment. We have already made it clear that we are not against relocation of offices to the needy areas if ordered simultaneously for closure and opening of the POs to the needy areas without reducing the existing number of Post offices. Large scale closure of Post offices and RMS offices will not only lead to inconvenience to the public but leading to discontentment and also adversely affect the interest of the employees. Further this is nothing but an abrupt violation of strike agreement made on 12.07.2010 in which it was categorically assured that there will be no closure/merger of Post Offices. We strongly protest against such unilateral closure/merger of offices

3. We have already pointed out in many meetings and also through correspondences about the adverse impact of the introduction of speed post hubs which were formed without taking into account the ground realities. The experience during the last six months has proved that the speed post hubs have resulted in abnormal delay in transmission and delivery of speed post articles and thereby eroding the traffic due to loss of faith among the general public in the speed post system itself. We have already requested the Department to review the functioning of the speed post hubs and take either remedial measures or to revert back to the old system. We are dismayed to note that the Staff Side has been totally ignored and sidelined and the department is blindly going ahead with the unscientific proposals of the multinational consultancy called Mckensy. Much damage has been caused and it is high time that a thorough review shall be conducted for removing the deficiencies by rolling back to the old scheme. A damage control exercise to regain the lost faith of the customer is the need of the hour. It is reported that in many circles that after the introduction of Speed Post hub, the revenue on account of Speed Post has slashed heavily

4. It is reported that in the name of optimisation, the Mckensy Consultancy has suggested closure and merger of many RMS sorting offices and the Department is simply implementing their orders. Similarly withdrawal of delivery from urban Sub/Head Post offices and creation of delivery hubs by amalgamating three or four delivery offices are also ordered. The way in which the recommendations of the Mckensy are implemented in Hyderabad in A. P. Circle has resulted in provocation of the entire employees and agitation programmes are launched on throughout Andhra Circle. Further the Department is unilaterally implementing the single batch system and combined duty for delivery staff causing much difficulty to them

5. The New Recruitment Rules for the Postmen notified recently by the Department envisages that direct recruitment from open market is to be resorted to for filling up 25% Postmen vacancies and 25% among MTS staff in case of non availability of casual labourers. This clause virtually snatches away the right and opportunity of the Gramin Dak Sevaks having appointed against 50% of the Postmen vacancies hitherto ear-marked for GDS employees. Further unilateral orders have been issued like restricting the compassionate appointment of GDS to the extent of 10% of the vacancies, tightening of norms for cash handling and stamp sale etc. Further the discrimination in payment of bonus to GDS which is against to the spirit of Bonus Act still continues. A large scale of abolition of EDMM, EDSV Posts are also ordered. The basic demand of GDS such as grant of Civil Servant Status ,Pay scale , increment, allowances , promotion, leave, bonus , terminal benefits and trade union facilities as recommended by Justice Talwar Committee are yet to be granted.

6. In spite of the assurances given by the Secretary, Department of Posts on 12.07.2010, many issues mentioned in the 13th July strike Charter of Demands and also in the agenda of the JCM Departmental Council meeting held on 27.08.2010 still remain unsettled. The issues relating to the Postmen staff such as fixing of minimum and maximum distance to be traversed, providing time factors and review of existing norms etc. are yet to be resolved. The issue of cadre review, even though assured to be completed before November 2010, still remains in the initial stage and formal discussion is delayed indefinitely

7. The Department is moving ahead with the proposal for decentralization of Postal Accounts work in the name of accrual based accounting system. Similarly move is on for decentralisation of PLI/RPLI work. Induction of new technology in accounting and providing online facilities at post offices shall lead to centralisation and not decentralization. We cannot agree the decentralisation of the above mentioned work.

8. The revision of wages for the casual, part-time, contingent employees with effect from 01.01.2006 is pending since last three years. Even the eligible DA is being denied in many circles. Further the work done hitherto by the casual, part time and contingent employees are indiscriminately outsourced and large scale reduction in the wages are being ordered. All this has resulted in making the life of the poor, the low paid employees more miserable. It is high time that justice shall be done to this most downtrodden and marginalized section of employees of the Postal Department.

9. All the above issues are agitating the minds of the Postal and RMS employees and resentment among them is mounting day-by day. The recent orders for closure of large scale Post offices, merger of RMS offices and creation of delivery hubs has further aggravated the situation. Unless the Department comes forward to discuss the above issues with the Staff Side with an open mind, for an amicable settlement, the situation may go from bad to worse.

10. The Central Joint Council of Action comprising NFPE, FNPO and the GDS Unions has decided to submit a charter of demands to the Department and also to organize following phased programme of country wide agitational programmes culminating in indefinite strike from 2011 July 5th.

First Phase - Submission of Charter of Demands to Secretary, Department of Posts with a mass demonstration in front of Dak Bhawan on 20.04.2011. Copy of the memorandum will be submitted to all lower level authorities also after observing demonstration programmes in front of all offices.
Second Phase - Mass Dharna in front of Dak Bhawan, Circle/Regional/Divisional offices on 25.05.2011.
Third Phase - Country wide indefinite strike from 5th July 2011

11. We appeal the Secretary, Department of Posts to drop and desist from the moves of implementing the retrograde orders mentioned above and also request to settle the burning problems mentioned above; failing which we will be compelled to resort to trade union action including indefinite strike as mentioned above. We earnestly desire to avoid such an unpleasant situation as it may adversely affect the efficiency and productivity of the Postal Services and may also put the public to inconvenience.

We hope that the Department will come forward for a negotiated settlement on the issues mentioned above and take the staff side also into confidence, so that the peace, tranquility and the better relationship between the Staff Side and administration shall remain unaffected.
Awaiting favourable response,
Yours faithfully

M. Krishnan
Secretary General, NFPE
D. Theagarajan
Secretary General, FNPO
K. V. Sridharan
General Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’
D. Kishan Rao
General Secretary, NAPE Group ‘C’
Ishwar Singh Dabas
General Secretary
AIPEU -Postmen & MSE/Group ‘D’
T. N. Rahate
General Secretary
NAPE Postmen, MTS & Group ‘D’
Giriraj Singh
General Secretary
AIRMS & MMS EU Group ‘C’
D. Theagarajan
General Secretary
P. Suresh
General Secretary
AIRMS & MMS EU MG & Group ‘D’
A. H. Siddique
General Secretary
Pranab Bhattacharjee
General Secretary
General Secretary
S. S. Mahadevaiah
General Secretary
General Secretary
T. Satyanarayanan
General Secretary
General Secretary
S. Appanraj
General Secretary
S. Sambandam
General Secretary
S. A. Raheem
General Secretary
Pratha Pritam Ghorai
General Secretary

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