Wednesday, July 4, 2012


All India Postal Accounts Employees Association
Central Headquarter
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, Type-IV, DAO Flat, New Delhi – 110018
(Camp at: B-17, F-3,Vignanapuri,Vidyanagar,Hyderabad-500044)

AIPAEA/CHQ/12                                                                     Dated: 02-07-2012

Ms. Manjula Prasher, 
Secretary (Posts) & Chairman, PS Board,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi.

        Sub: - Long pending issues of Postal Accounts – Request – Intervention – Reg.

Respected Madam,

    I wish to bring to your kind attention the issues which are agitating the minds of the Postal Accounts employees that manifested in several forms of protests. These are the issues which are pending for a long time without any positive outcome.  Once again this Association is constrained to observe the protest week from 16-07-12 to 20-07-12 in order to bring to your kind notice the inordinate delay in the settlement of these issues.

  1. Recruitment in PAOs: In spite of the assurance that the recruitment will be done on priority basis, no tangible and focused attention is given on this vital issue by the authorities concerned. The Postal Accounts Offices are reeling under severe shortage of Staff. If this depletion is allowed further, it will adversely affect the interests of the Department also besides demoralizing the existing Staff. Hence, a time bound action with alternative measures as suggested by the Staff side is requested.
  2. Cadre restructuring in PAOs: As per the decision taken by the Secretary (P), the cadre restructuring Committee was constituted on 12-07-10 to examine the proposal for the restructuring of cadres in PAOs. The committee finalized its recommendations in the month of July 2011. The Internal Finance has cleared the proposal in the month of January 2012. Yet the issue is pending settlement till date. Many senior officials are retiring without deriving any benefit of the proposed cadre restructuring. Hence, it is requested to clear the proposal without waiting for the finalization of the cadre restructuring proposals of other wings of the Department.
  3. Gr. D and Sorter anomalies: In the year 2004 Gr. D officials were promoted under Seniority Cum Fitness quota directly to LDC cadre ignoring the seniors in the Sorter cadre which is a normal promotional hierarchy to Gr.Ds of PAO. This has upset the seniority of the Sorters. After several pleadings by this Association the DDG (PAF) has taken a positive view on this and assured to protect the seniority on notional basis. But, so far no order has been issued in this regard. It is requested to cause the release of necessary orders by giving notional seniority to the adversely affected Sorters from the year 2004.
  4. Gr.B non-gazetted status to Senior Accountants: DOP&T has issued a Gazette notification on 09-04-2009 classifying the employees with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 as Gr.B.   Department of Posts has issued an order vide Lr. No. 4-4/2008-PCC dated 23-04-2009 followed by a subsequent corrigendum dated 04-05-2009 classifying the Senior Accountants Gr. B non-Gazetted. Since then this Association is demanding the implementation of the DOP order. But on some untenable grounds the issue has been kept under cold storage. It is requested to bestow Gr. B non-Gazetted status to Senior Accountants without further delay, as enjoined by the DOP order.
  5. Victimization of PAO employees: PAO employees are being victimized in the name of contributory negligence for the frauds committed in the Post Offices. Without taking into consideration the post audit duties and other extenuating circumstances under which the PAO employees are functioning, the officials are being harassed and victimized in the name of contributory negligence. Retired employees are deprived of their terminal benefits for years together by not concluding the Charge sheets issued under Rule-16 of CCS (CCA)Rules before their retirement. It is requested to intervene and do justice to the employee and their families. It is also requested not to apply the doctrine of contributory negligence to the PAOs, as there is no direct nexus with the principle offenders and post audit cannot prevent the embezzlements.

    I request your good-self to kindly address these genuine grievances of Postal Accounts employees with your reassuring intervention.

           With Regards,

                                                                                                                                      Yours Faithfully,

                                                                                                                                   General Secretary

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