(M): Office: 9868451466 (M) G.S. 09912348500
AIPAEA/CHQ/ Circular 46 Dated 06-02-2011
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association
Central Headquarter
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, Type-IV, DAO Flat, New Delhi – 110018
www.aipaea09.blogspot.com e-mail: aipaea_pao@yahoo.co.in
(Camp at: B-17, F-3,Vignanapuri,Vidyanagar,Hyderabad-500044)
AIPAEA/CHQ/ Circular 46 Dated 06-02-2011
Dear Comrades,
On the invitation of the PA Wing General Secretary and President Com. S. Santosh Kumar and Com. D.S. Chauhan, AGS have attended the presentation on 01-02-11 on the proposed changes in the Postal Accountants, like induction of technology, Accrual System of Accountancy and re-organization of Postal Accounts. The details have already been published on the blog. Authorities say it is an opportunity for the Postal Accounts to grow and spread to the new areas of work. Authorities are talking about the merger of PO & RMS Accountants and SBICO into the fold of PAO. Their role model for re-organization is the Accounts set up in the Telecom. However, in the presentation they could not come out with any definite idea on the HR needs and deployment in the changed environment. They assured us to provide material so that it can be studied by us. It is our bounden duty to guard the independent status of the PAO, not only from the point of view of the employees but also to discharge the Constitutional duty towards the people at large. AIPAEA will never compromise on this.
FORMAL MEETING WITH DDG (PAF): A formal meeting with DDG (PAF) has been held on 31-01-11 and discussion has been held on the agenda items. Details have already been published in the blog. The anomaly between Sorter and Gr.D promotes to LDC cadre has been highlighted in the meeting and it received sympathetic consideration from DDG (PAF) and ADG. It is decided to consider the individual representations. Hence, all such Sorter promotes should prefer individual representation to DDG(PAF) clearly bringing out the anomaly and the injustice meted to them by giving clear cut details of their date of appointment, date of promotion and the appointment and promotion of their counter parts i.e. Gr.D promotes bringing out the pay comparison.
CWC AT THEKKADY, KERALA: By this time, arrangements might have been made to reach the Thekkady to attend the CWC from 13-02-2011 to 15-02-2011. I request all the CWC members to come prepared to the CWC on the Agenda items, especially on the point of re-organization of PAO so that meaningful discussion can take place and some new ideas can emerge. I request all the CWC members to confirm their participation over phone so that arrangements can be made accordingly. All should mind that we are holding this CWC on the sidelines of the Study Camp organized by the NFPE and hence we will have lot of time constraints. Let’s put the available time for the best use and make the Thekkady study camp and our CWC a grand success.
RECEPTION TO THE LEADERS: Trivendurm Circle is hosting a reception on 17-02-11 in the honour of Com. S. Santosh Kumar, President (CHQ), our veteran leaders Com. A.P. Sastry, Com. R.S. Bhaghel and the General Secretary. CHQ thanks the Kerala Comrades.
JAC PROGRAMME ON 15-02-2011: The enclosed JAC circular may please be given wide publicity. Parliament session is going to be commenced and there is every possibility that Government may bring a resolution in the Parliament against the implementation of Arbitration Awards including the parity award. Hence, the JAC has decided to mobilize the employees to oppose this move. Circle Secretaries should make all arrangements to implement the JAC call on 15-02-11 before leaving to Thekkady. If any difficulty in making such arrangement, the call may be observed on return from Thekkady and send the resolutions as desired in the JAC circular.
March to Parliament on 23-02-2011: About 5lakh employees and workers are going to converge in New Delhi on 23rd March to protest against the price raise and policies of the Government. Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers is making all out effort to participate in the march projecting its 14 charter of demands. Nearby units are requested to mobilize in large number and distant units as per the number allotted to that COC. I request the Circle Secretaries to contact the local Confederation leaders and make preparations to participate in the rally. Arrangement for stay etc. should be done in consultation and in coordination with local CoCs. As General Secretary is not residing in New Delhi, it will be difficult for CHQ to make arrangements for stay of the participants. However, Confederation has made arrangements for stay of the out-side participants. I am enclosing the circular of the Confederation. General Secretary is reaching Delhi on 22nd February to participate in the rally.
DEMONSTRATION AT DELHI PAO: AIPAEA, Delhi Circle organized a big demonstration on 02-02-11for mobilizing the employees for the march to Parliament. General Secretary, R-III, Com. Giriraj Singh addressed the meeting. General Secretary and President addressed the General Body and appraised the latest developments to the members and exhorted to unite and make the AIPAEA strong. Com. Chauhan, Circle Secretary and Com.Tiwari, President and other Comrades made all out efforts to make the meeting a big success. General Secretary and President met the G.M. Finance,Delhi, Ms. Vandana Gupta and requested her to take up the recruitment with all seriousness. She responded very positively to all our requests.
AAO Recruitment Rules: Revised Recruitment Rules have been received from the DOT and they have to be processed by the PA Wing. It is learnt that 20% has been recommended for Senior Accountants under Seniority cum Fitness though, we have demanded for 1/3rd. It will be further followed up and expedited.
MTS & LDC Recruitment Rules: The Multi Task Staff Recruitment Rules have been released. The Rules applicable for Circle & Administrative offices will apply for the PAOs too. Hence, immediately on receipt of endorsed copy from the PA wing, efforts should be made to go for recruitment. 25% has been provided for casual workers who have been working since on or before 01-09-1993. Care should be taken to get all such Casual Workers regularized. LDC Recruitment Rules have already been circulated. There is heavy shortage of LDCs in the PAOs hence, immediate action should be taken to write to SSC for recruitment.
Conversion of Sorter vacancies: The proposals received in the PA wing from Kolkata, Sundernagar, Cuttuck etc. are under process and soon orders will be issued.
Court Cases: AIPAEA has filed two cases: one for stepping up of pay in ACP, another for treating the JA and SA as one promotion for the purpose of ACP. We won the cases. As the Department is delaying the the implementation of the Pr.CAT judgments, contempt had been filed. In the stepping up case, contempt is coming up for hearing on 17th February. In the second case the Department has rejected our representation. We have discussed the matter with our lawyer and a fresh case against the rejection will be filed after taking a decision in the CWC meeting.
Deputation to North East: Volunteers are called for from among the S.As to go to the North East on promotion as AAOs. The deputation period is for two years. After the deputation, official will be reverted back to his substantial post. Interested S.As can apply.
CADRE RESTRUCTURING: No meeting has taken place so far though; AIPAEA has submitted the proposal in the month of December 2010. The reason given for delay is that the BPAOE Association has not yet submitted its proposal. It is demanded that the meeting should be taken place without further loss of time irrespective of submission of such proposal.
AIPAEA is the fighting force and will ever stand for protecting the rights of the employees of the Postal Accounts and safe-guard the autonomy of the PAOs. Come on! Let us Join together and strengthen the banner of AIPAEA!!
With struggle greetings,
General Secretary
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