Tuesday, February 1, 2011


DDG (PAF) ON 31-01-2011

                  OFFICIAL SIDE                                                                          STAFF SIDE
  1) Sri. Manish Sinha, DDG (PAF)                                           1) Sri. S. Santosh Kumar,President (CHQ)
  2) Dr. Brijesh Singh, Director (PA- Admn)                              2) Sri. T.Satyanarayana, General Secretary    
  3) Sri. R. Magadevan, ADG (PA-Admn).

1.       Recruitment in PAOs: The Staff strength in all cadres has been depleted due to ban on recruitment. Even now, after lifting of the ban, no serious attempts are being made by the field units for recruitment of the staff. The calculation of vacancies is also not reflecting the true picture. Due to various reasons there are many vacancies lying in the Senior Accountant cadre and in the D.E. as well as SCF quota of the Junior Accountant cadres. The main reason for such a situation is the lack of eligible officials for promotion in the feeder cadre. Keeping in view the manpower requirements for the future technology needs of the PAOs there is an urgent need for recruitment in the D.R. quota in the cadre of Junior Accountant.
Hence, it is requested to ensure the D.R. element at 40% on the S.A and J.A. strength together alternatively, it is suggested to divert the vacancies both in J.A. and S.A. cadres to the D.R. quota of J.A. for recruitment as one time measure, where there are no eligible officials in the feeder cadre for promotion. Subsequently when such diverted vacancies are vacated can be restored back to the S.A or J.A. cadre strength of the respective quotas. This measure will also address the present problem of dilution of 40% D.R. element and content in the J.A. cadre because of the retirements and no direct intake in the J.A. cadre.
In other cadres viz. LDC, Sorter and MTS, there are many vacancies to be filled up. These vacancies may please be filled up by expediting the process.
In the MTS cadre there are many vacancies and immediate attention is required to start the process of recruitment. While filling up these vacancies the casual workers engaged by the field units should be given priority as was done in the P&T Audit.

REPLYConcern of Staff Side is well taken and it is assured that the position will be monitored by the PA Wing by calling for the reports. All Directors will be told to fill up all vacancies. The suggestion of the AIPAEA to divert the vacancies to DR in JA cadre will be considered after receipt of the necessary clarification pending in this regard in the DOP&T on the similar matter. The R.Rs in r/o MTS are released by the Department of Posts and the same thing is applicable to PAO also and field units should start recruitment accordingly on receipt of the copy of the RRs from the PA Wing. LDC RRs are notified and immediately units will be asked to take up the recruitment process.

2.       Finalization of Recruitment Rules of AAO cadre: Due to inordinate delay in finalization of R.Rs officials are put to loss. Several times it has been requested to enhance the SCF quota to 1/3rd of the AAO strength, as assured to keep the interests of Senior Accountants while finalizing the R.Rs. Hence, it is requested to notify the R.Rs with enhanced SCF quota as requested by this Association. It is also requested to expedite the notification of All India Seniority List of S.As, so that promotion can be given in the vacancies of DOT as well as DOP.
REPLY: It is informed that the Committee has given the Recommendations and the PA Wing will finalize them soon.
3.       Anomaly between the LD promotees from Sorter cadre and promotes from Gr.D cadre: Due to ban in the filling up of vacancies in the Sorter cadre, which is a promotional channel to Gr.Ds, a 10% SCF quota has been provided for Gr.Ds for promotion to LD cadre directly. This created a situation wherein the officials in the higher cadre were promoted from Sorter under SCF has become juniors in the LDC cadre to the SCF promotes from Gr.D cadre. This is causing severe heart burn among the senior officials, as both the promotional channels are under SCF quota. Hence, it is requested to remove this anomaly by notionally promoting the higher cadre i.e. promotes from Sorter w.e.f the date on which the 10% SCF quota for promotion of Gr.D officials came into vogue.

REPLY: After lengthy discussion it was agreed that the individual affected officials should prefer representations to the DDG(PAF) and basing on the merit of the cases the representations will be decided.

4.       Retrospective application of the amendment to residency period from 6 to 3 years: Due to the enhancement of residency period from 3 to 6 years for promotion to the cadre of Senior Accountant w.e.f. 13-12-2006. Subsequently it has been reverted back to 3 years. But during this interregnum period many officials were made to wait for promotion even though there are vacancies on the ground that the officials are not completed the residency period of six years. This caused a permanent loss. Hence, it is requested to undo the damage by restoring the residency period retrospectively.
REPLY: This has not been agreed to as there are no chances that the Nodal Ministry DOP&T will agree such retrospective amendment.

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