Sunday, April 22, 2012



(M) Office: 9868451466                                                                                                 (M) 09912348500
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association
Central Headquarters
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, Type-IV, DAO Flat, New Delhi – 110018
AIPAEA/CHQ Circular 60                                                                                          Date: 21-04-2012.

Dear Comrades,
Delhi unit did it! Congratulations and thanks to all the comrades of Delhi unit for making the Central Working Committee meeting a grand success. Sixteen units from all over the country attended the meeting. Meeting started on 17-04-12 and concluded on 19-04-12. Deliberations on all the issues related to the Postal Accounts employees have been made very systematically and in a much disciplined manner. Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE has inaugurated the Central Working Committee meeting. He greeted the CWC and wished all success to the AIPAEA. Com. M. Krishnan assured all support to the AIPAEA in its endeavor to protect the interests of the postal accounts employees. He has at length spoken about the sweeping technological changes that the Postal Department has undertaken and its impact on all the wings of the Department including the Postal Accounts. He has thrown the light on the Confederation charter of Demands and the need to organize a united struggle to achieve this charter. Com.  Dabas, General Secretary, P-4 has welcomed the gathering and wished a successful CWC meeting. Com. S.K.Vyasji, President, Confederation of Central Government employees and workers extensively addressed on the charter of the demands. He explained the rationale behind the each demand and need to achieve the charter without further delay. He lamented the functioning of the JCM and advised some drastic action to galvanize the JCM mechanism. He requested all the leaders to show same zeal towards the Confederation programmes as exhibited towards the struggles to achieve their own sectional demands. Com. Pranab Bhattacharjee, General Secretary, Administrative employees Union has spoken on the need for successful implementation of the programmes.
MS. Vandana Gupta, General Manager, Postal Accounts, Delhi, graced the open session and addressed the delegates. Director, Postal Accounts, Delhi has also attended the CWC and greeted the delegates.
Shri. Manish Sinha, DDG(PAF) has attended the CWC and addressed the delegates. The interactive session with delegates run over two hours and all the questions of the Delegates were answered by the DDG(PAF). This is completely a new experience to the delegates. Com. P.Rajanayagam, former General Secretary, AIPAEA, has addressed the delegate session and elaborately put the issues in their right perspective before the delegates.  The discussions in the CWC are qualitatively on higher plane. All the units reported their activities as well as their problems and CHQ assured to mitigate all the difficulties. The CWC passed resolutions on 1) the demands raised during the Call Attention Day 2)  lifting of the ban on forwarding the applications/ memorandums by the local authorities, 3) Amendment to the  LDC and JA recruitment rules, 4) Resolution on the happenings at Kapurthala and Jalandhar PAOs, 5) PSS Gr.B exam issue, 6) Recruitment in the Departmental Canteens, 7) Pay protection for Transferees under Rule-38 and 8)harassment of Staff through contributory negligence and de-nova enquiries. With the summing up by the General Secretary and a call for serious mobilization, committed implementation and building a vibrant AIPAEA the Central Working Committee meeting concluded.
During the lunch-hour on 19-04-12 a mammoth meeting has been organized by the Delhi unit.  Com. Prasher, Deputy Secretary General, NFPE and Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R-III addressed the General members and the delegates. General Secretary addressed the meeting and informed the General house all the developments and the efforts of the AIPAEA to settle all the pending problems of the Postal Accounts employees. Entire office including the G.M. Finance joined the delegates in the lunch. The successful completion of the CWC reflects not only the unity and strength but also the confidence of the employees in AIPAEA and marks a new chapter in the history of Delhi unit. This CWC is our humble tribute to our great leader Com. D.C. Jatrana, founder and former General Secretary of AIPAEA.
Meeting with DDG(PAF):  On 20-04-12 the General Secretary and the President, CHQ met the Director(Admin &Budget), DDG(PAF) and other Authorities. DDG (PAF) positively reacted on the issues brought to his notice. On Gr. B status, he assured that on receipt of reply to the letter address to Department of Telecom, necessary action will be taken. On the amendment of Recruitment Rules of LDC and JA to restore the old qualification for promotion under Seniority cum fitness, it is agreed to review and examine the position.
Forwarding the Applications:  DDG (PAF) categorically told that the ban order of the Directorate on deputation/absorption will not in any way prohibit the forwarding of the applications of the officials to write the examinations and appear for interviews. The case of Chennai will be disposed off soon.
Holding of Part-II exam: Department is making all out efforts to get the file cleared from the DOP&T. It is hoped that the exam will be held soon.
All India Seniority list and AAO RRs: These two issues will be settled soon. It is stressed that the seniority list should be published without waiting for the approval of the R.Rs.
Gr.D and Sorter anomalies: DDG (PAF) assured that a judicious decision will be taken as soon as the information asked from the units is received. Long back all the PAOs are asked to inform the number of such officials who are in the Sorter cadre and affected due to the promotion of their juniors to LDC from Gr.D. cadre. DDG (PAF) has directed to issue a final reminder to all the D.A(P)s to furnish the required information by a cut-off date. After that this issue will be settled. All the Circle Secretaries should ensure that if there are such cases in their units, immediately se e that the information is sent to the Directorate. Inform the CHQ also in this regard.
Court cases: The reserved judgment in SA&JA has not yet been pronounced. The stepping up case is posted for final hearing on 24-04-12. General Secretary and the President, CHQ met the advocate and discussed the matter.
Four advance Increments: The case is resubmitted to the Ministry of Finance. At the instance of the CHQs, Com. Vyasji has written a letter in this regard to the Secretary, Expenditure, MoF. He has agreed to further follow up the matter.  
Cadre re-structure of PAO: The recommendations of the Cadre restructuring Committee of Postal Accounts is still with the Secretary, Department of Posts. Postal JCA has already taken up this matter along with other pending issues. If there is no improvement in the situation the JAC will implement the decision to go on hunger strike at Directorate.
Treatment of Dies-non for the purpose of MACP promotion: Because the period of dies-non is treated as non-qualifying service for promotion under MACP, many of our comrades have been adversely affected. This matter has been discussed with Com. S.K.Vyasji, Member, Standing Committee (JCM) and President Confederation. He has appreciated our arguments in this regard and concurred with our opinion.  He assured to take up this issue with the authorities at appropriate level and also to raise it in the JCM.
Confederation National Executive meeting: National executive meeting of Confederation is going to take place at Kolkata on 28-04-12. There will be a serious discussion on the mobilization of employees on the confederation charter of demands. Wage revision for every five years and the 50% DA merger for all purposes, compassionate appointment, casualisation of permanent jobs etc, are the some of the important issues. Mobilization of the entirety of the Central Government employees on these demands is a great task to be accomplished. Let’s play our part in this task. JAC leadership is also meeting at Kolkata on 29-04-12 to discuss the Accounts and Audit employee’s issues and to revive the JAC.
Comrades, there are lot of rumors regarding the merger of Group C and grant of grade pay of 2400 to LDCs. We know where from these rumors have been generated. The authors of such rumors are those very people who have played a negative role in the Gr.B merger issue and made no efforts to submit the proposal to the cadre restructuring committee. We must also be aware of the reasons for such spreading of false information: This is April month!  So let’s tell the truth to the Postal Accounts employees and expose such elements.
With Greetings,
General Secretary

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