Saturday, April 7, 2012


(M) G.S. 09912348500                                                                                         (M): Office: 9868451466
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association
Central Headquarter
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, Type-IV, DAO Flat, New Delhi – 110018
(Camp at: B-17, F-3,Vignanapuri,Vidyanagar,Hyderabad-500044)

AIPAEA/CHQ/12                                                                                                          Dated: 03-04-2012

Dear Comrades,

You are all aware that the AIPAEA is making all out efforts to make the authorities agree to resolve the problems relating to the employees of Postal Accounts. Several times the demands are being discussed with the highest authorities and extracted positive assurances. Yet the important issues like recruitment, Gr.D and Sorter anomalies, Cadre restructuring, Gr.B status etc., are still eluding positive solution. Local authorities are not taking the responsibility of recruitment. Instead of taking initiative to make recruitment in PAOs, some of the PAOs are whiling away the time by seeking clarifications after clarifications. The result is no recruitment in PAOs even after lifting the ban three years ago.

To arrest this trend the CHQ is calling all the units to observe “CALL  ATTENTION DAY” on 10th April 2012. Hold lunch-hour meetings explain the efforts of AIPAEA to achieve the demands of Postal Accounts employees.  Two draft Memorandums are enclosed herewith. One Memorandum on the Recruitment should be submitted to the local authority i.e. GM (Finance)/DAP. The second Memorandum addressed to the DDG (PAF) should also be handed over to the local authority with a request to forward the same to the DDG(PAF). Also, send the two memorandums to the DDG (PAF) by post to avoid delay.

I request you all to make this programme a grand success. Submit the report on implementation of this programme to CWC meeting to be held at New Delhi from 17-04-12 to 19-04-12.

With Struggle Greetings,
General Secretary

Draft Memorandum on pending issues of Postal Accounts to be submitted to DDG(PAF) through GM(Finance)/DAP on the Call Attention Day on 10-04-2012

Sri. Manish Sinha,
Department of Posts,
New Delhi.

                        Sub: - Call Attention Day - Submission of Memorandum – Regarding.

Respected Sir,

            As per the call given by the Central Head Quarters of this Association to observe the ‘Call Attention Day’ on 10-04-2012, this General Body is calling your kind attention to the resolution of the following long pending issues.

1.    Rectification of the Discrimination caused due to the promotion of Gr.D to LDC on seniority basis ignoring the seniors in the Sorter cadre: During the Strike negotiations it has been agreed to grant notional seniority to the senior sorters to redress this long pending grievance. But till date no positive action is taken. Hence, it is requested to settle this issue as assured.

2.    Amendment to LDC & JA recruitment Rules: The recruitment rules of LDC & JA have been amended to the disadvantage of the existing senior officials in the respective feeder cadres, who are otherwise eligible for  promotion under Seniority cum Fitness quota. This sudden amendment by enhancing the educational qualification made these existing seniors disqualify for the promotion under ScF quota. Hence, it is requested to restore the educational qualification for the promotion to LDC & JA cadres under Seniority cum fitness quota.

3.    Cadre restructuring: The cadre restructuring of Postal Accounts is being delayed and the senior Sorters, LDCs and DEOs are retiring without taking the benefit. Hence, it is requested to expedite the action to get the proposal accepted.

4.    Gr.B status to Senior Accountants: This issue is pending settlement for the last two years. According Gr.B status to Senior Accountants will confer to the principles laid down by the DOP&T on the classification of posts besides adhering to the decision of the Postal Board.  The DOT also accorded this status to the Senior Accountants working in their Department. The exclusion of the Senior Accountants of the PAOs from this status will create problems in future as all the Senior Accountants working in both the wings constitute a single feeder cadre for AAO promotion under ScF quota. Hence, we earnestly request for the settlement of this issue in favour of the Senior Accountants without further loss of time.
5.    Notification of All India Seniority List of Senior Accountants as on 01-09-2009: Though more than two years elapsed after collecting the relevant information on this matter, the final list has not yet been notified. To avoid future complications, conflicts and legal disputes among the Senior Accountants working in PAOs and DoT, it is requested to notify the All India Seniority list of Senior Accountants immediately without waiting for the AAO Recruitment Rules.

6.    Repatriation of the employees of PAO Kapurthala posted at PAO Jammu: This issue is pending for more than 5 years. Though it is assured that the repatriation will take place on the arrival of new recruits, no relief has been given to these displaced employees. Contentions like ‘lien’ raised by the authorities also adding further to their woes. Hence, it is requested to bestow your kind attention on this long pending human problem.

7.    Issues related to the DEOs of Chennai: DEO cadre at Chennai is the best example of disowning by the Official Side of its own creation. To instill confidence in the employees over the decisions taken by the authorities, it is very much essential to stop the recovery imposed on the DEOs besides conceding the genuine demand for the higher pay scale.

            In addition to the above stated issues, it is brought to your kind attention that the slow pace of recruitment in the PAOs is stifling the functioning.  Timely action is requested to quicken the recruitment process and fill up all the vacancies before it is too late. Copy of the Memorandum submitted in this regard to the GM Finance/D.A(P) is enclosed for your kind information.

            Many times the above stated issues have been brought to your notice, yet the issues remain unresolved. This General Body through this memorandum requests you to settle the issues so as to discourage this Association to embark upon further protest programmes.

            Thanking you,

                                                                                                                                Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                                (                       )
                                                                                                                                Circle Secretary

Date: 10-04-2012.

Draft Memorandum on Recruitment to be submitted to GM(Finance)/DAP on the Call Attention Day on 10-04-2012

The G.M. Finance, Postal Accounts
The Director of Accounts (Postal)

                                Sub: - Submission of Memorandum – Request for immediate action – Reg.

                Though the ban on recruitment has been lifted three years back, no recruitment has taken place in the PAO. Lack of focused attempt to gear up the process of recruitment is coming in the way of filling up of vacancies. This is having telling effect on the office functioning. Mounting arrears and manifold increase in the work burden is playing havoc with the existing employees. The cadre strength of MTS, LDC and J.A. is depleting alarmingly affecting the quality of work. The constant threat of imposing contributory responsibility on the innocent officials working in the Postal Accounts for the frauds committed in the field units is creating insecurity among the officials and leading to the demoralization.
            Though clear cut guidelines are available, recruitment in the MTS cadre has not yet been initiated. It is made amply clear that 75% of the MTS vacancies have to be filled up through the Employment Exchange, sparing the 25% for casual workers, if available. In spite of the existence of all these instructions, recruitment is not taking place on the expected lines.  It was agreed by the Secretary, Department of Post during the negotiations on the strike charter of demands to take action on priority to fill up the vacancies in the PAOs. Yet, no such priority action is visible in the PAO. Though conversion of vacancies from one quota to another is permitted to augment the DR strength, no such proposal has emanated.
            Hence, it is decided by the Central Head Quarters of this Association to observe “Call Attention Day” on 10-04-2012 to draw the attention of the local authorities on the vital issue of recruitment.  This General Body calls your attention on the urgent need to fill up the vacancies relating to 2009-10, 2010-11 and     2011-12 in MTS, LDC and Junior Accountant cadres without further loss of time.
            Thanking you,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Yours faithfully
                                                                                                                               (                                   )
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Circle Secretary 

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