Thursday, June 30, 2011


(M) G.S. 09912348500                                                                                         (M): Office: 9868451466
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association
Central Headquarter
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, Type-IV, DAO Flat, New Delhi – 110018 e-mail:
(Camp at: B-17, F-3,Vignanapuri,Vidyanagar,Hyderabad-500044)

AIPAEA/CHQ/ Circular 51                                                                       Date: 29-06-2011                                                                                                                   

Make the Nationwide Postal indefinite strike a grand success
We are nearing the D-day. Negotiations were held and due to adamancy of the Department there is no progress in the talks. Battle lines are drawn. This is the battle for the existence of the Department. This is the struggle to save our own Department. No petty reason or selfish motto should come in the way of discharging this sacred duty. Postal Accounts employees are in the fore front in the past and will be second to none in future too! Our own interests are intertwined with the flourishing of the Postal Department. We should understand the fact that if HPOs are downgraded we are the people who have to bare the burnt. If the Postal Services go in the way of privatization, whose accounts we maintain? These are the basic and fundamental issues involved. In addition, our very own immediate issues like decentralization, cadre restructuring, filling up of vacancies, infrastructure to the newly formed PAOs, settling the Gr.D and Sorter anomaly, stopping of disciplinary action in the name of contributory negligence for the frauds at Post Offices, Removing extraneous conditions for the grant of Child Care Leave etc. are in the strike charter. So we have to participate in the strike for the larger issue of saving this great Public institution, Department of Posts and to achieve our own sectional demands. Let’s not surrender our right to question. Let’s not be the silent and bye stand spectators to the historic happenings. Let’s be part of it. Together let’s make historical struggle a grand success.

Reports are pouring from the Circles about the strike preparations. From Chennai Com. R.B. Suresh informed that campaign is in full swing. General Body and sectional meetings are being held. Nagpur Circle Secretary Com. Dhole informed that hand bills were issued, section to section rounds were conducted and the campaign is in full swing. From Trivendrum Com. Mohanan Nair flashed the news that they are conducting vehicle Jathas and approaching the public besides the campaign in the office. Com. D. Narasimha Murthy, Circle Secretary informed that hectic campaign is going on by organizing ladies meetings, activist meeting and intensive postering.  Lucknow comrades, under the leadership of Com. S.B.Yadav, are moving ahead with full pledged campaign. Bangalore as usual under the leadership of Com. Veeresh is preparing well to make the strike 100% success. Patna Circle secretary Com. Gopal Sharma is making all out efforts to make the strike a grand success. Our West Bengal comrades in spite of facing several difficulties are conducting successful strike campaign. Com. Samal intimated that Cuttuck is going ahead with all the preparations. Jallandhar and Kapurthala  under the militant leadership of Com. Deepa,  held gate meetings and served the strike notice. Sundernagar under the guidance of Com. Rana is ready to strike. Our fledgling young comrades from Raipur and Guwahati assured 100% strike. These are the reports I have till the time of preparation of this circular. I am sure other Circles under the leadership of our veteran comrades will not lag behind. The reports from all the Postal Circles are also point towards the 100% success of the 5th July strike. It is good to learn that the BPEF is also served the strike notice and going on strike from 5th July. With this all the Federations and Associations in the DOP will be on strike.

4-Advance Increments case
It is expected that the file which was sent to Ministry of Finance may be cleared within a month. Confirmatory and Departmental exam passed candidates between the periods from 01-01-1973 to 31-05-1981 are covered under this.

Recruitment Rules for the promotion to cadre of AAO
Draft Recruitment Rules have been approved by Member (F). File is under process to be sent to DOP&T. It will take some time to reach the stage of notification. CHQ is opposing the introduction of Direct Recruitment quota in the R.Rs.

Fresh offer of appointment to the JAO exam passed candidates
Some of the JAO exam passed candidates has not accepted the promotion to AAO cadre. Again fresh offer is being given to such candidates. Last date is July 25th, 2011.

Part II exam
The proposal of the PA wing for relaxation of age and conduct the Part-II JAO exam under the old RRs is not accepted by the DOP&T. The file is going to be re-submitted.

Court Cases
The two cases filed by the CHQ is going to  come up for hearing in the month of August, 2011.

Gr.B status to Senior Accountants
DDG(PAF) has assured that the issue can be discussed as out of agenda in the Cadre restructuring meeting which is going to be held soon.

I request all the comrades to take part in the indefinite strike and make it a grand success. Let’s unite and fight for justice.

Inquilab Zindabad ! Our unity Zindabad!!
With Struggle Greetings,
General Secretary

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