Friday, June 24, 2011

Right time to reconsider : If no one walks with you, walk alone…....... :

Dear Comrades,
You might have been informed that the AIAIASP lastly decided not to join with the Central J C A for participation in the forthcoming nationwide indefinite strike commencing 5th July, 2011. As such obviously extension of their moral support to the proposed strike may be a question since no unanimity could be gathered by its CHQ due to difference in opinions of the Circle Secretaries. Being responsible employees of India Post, if we fail to understand that we have  terrible days to come when there will be no one to  tell us not to cry, no body to pray with us, nobody to stand against the damages caused by the so called  anti-employee/anti-people policies of the Department  and worst of all when there will be nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, we have nothing to suggest others but appeal our bonafide members not to be disheartened and worried particularly at this moment when we are going to face the biggest challenge in the shape of an indefinite strike. Just think that you are alone  and not the type of person to need anyone with you to struggle. But it is sure  that if you  can stand through  alone, then the greater individuality  that is in you will certainly help to bring a definite change  in your path .

It will be relevant to remind you an incident from the life  of Mahatma Gandhi .

When Gandhiji started practicing as a lawyer in Rajkot, an offer came to him to go to South Africa as a legal adviser to an Indian firm owned by a Gujarati Muslim businessman there. Gandhiji accepted the offer and went to Natal in South Africa in May 1893 where the  Indians were ill-treated, disgraced and called as `Coolies'. Very soon Gandhiji too had his share of this experience. On his way to Pretoria in a first class compartment , one day Gandhiji got pushed out of the train when he refused to leave his seat for a white person. Even though Gandhiji raised an objection that he had a first class ticket, nobody heard him. A policeman pushed him out with his bag and baggage. The train left. Gandhiji spent the night shivering in cold, but he did not touch his luggage.

This incident changed the whole course of his life. He decided never to be pushed down again and to fight for all such injustices with the weapon of Truth later renamed as Satyagraha which gave birth to one of the biggest revolutions for independence in 20th century. He made a very important rule for himself which he used his whole life: never to use violence in his fights, even if others would use violence against him. Would India’s independence have been possible  hadn’t people like Gandhiji made up his mind as such and had he given a cowardice  movement at that moment ?

By doing this, Gandhiji  left  a message for the world – “ It takes just one man to make a difference.” So anything and everything  you do counts and will certainly make a definite difference.

So, my dear Comrades, it should not make any difference if somebody comes with you or not and  there should not be any second thought for this struggle movement to give justice to our employees in particular and the crores of Indian citizen in general. We are completely right in our stand. Just think Comrade – The degree of exploitation being done to us in the name of modernization / computerization / Project Arrow etc. compelling us to work till late night regularly irrespective of Sundays / holidays  without  fixed duty hours and suitable compensation as was being done in pre-independence era just designate us as `Coolies'. And now the 25 point Charter of Demands just depict the above plights. We may conclude that though the Britishers left India, we are  not really  independent even after 64 years. They are still in India with some other name. Thus, another struggle movement is certainly required and at this moment the Central J C A is a part of it. Feel enough proud of it that you are a  part of the JCA and doing something for the development of your people and planet. You alone can do a lot. Be confident to walk alone if no one walks with you. Success will be yours.

It will be wise to remind  the  poem from  Rabindranath Tagore whose poignant words offer a message for all of us:-

If no one responds to your call,
 Go forward alone.

If no one talks to you,
Oh luckless one.

If everyone turns away from you in fear,
Reveal your thoughts
And express your ideas to yourself.

If everyone leaves you
While you are travelling a dangerous road,
If no one wants to look after you,
Walk on alone,
On the road strewn with thorns,
Trampling on them with bleeding feet.
If no one shows a light,
If in the dark stormy night everyone shuts their doors,
Use your rib as a torch,
Lit from the fire of thunder.
If no one walks with you, walk alone…

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